What are the key ingredients to a great Final fantasy game?

It depends what era in my opinion. Though I think all things are pretty consistent, without a good story, the game doesn't really have a Final Fantasy feel.

I think Magic is pretty consistent though. I think the use of a blade of some sorts when fighting, a melee fighter/ninja, a person who can shoot some type of projectile, a person/person's that can curative (restorative) magic / heal, a person who can cast either status inhibiting or offensive spells.

A crystal theme is usually somewhere in the legacy editions. Most of the time there is a Kingdom involved. The world is in peril or threatened by some dark force or corrupt government.

There are chocobos, mogs, pretty interactive FMVs, and a love story or stories of some kind.
One of my first ever games was Final Fantasy VII and it set the bar pretty high for me in terms of story. Ever since, I've judged games on how compelling their story-telling is and, for me, Final Fantasy games tend to get it right every time. I won't pretend I've loved every game but all of the main series games have an incredible storyline.

It might be nice to see them but we don't keep buying these games to see a big yellow bird or a tiny white feathery teddy; none of us would quit RPGs if Cid, Biggs & Wedge didn't take on another shape; we wouldn't spit out our dummies and turn our backs on SE if the main theme didn't play at the opening credits. They're all common elements but they're not what make a FF game.

Each game changes numerous elements - battle systems change, levelling systems change, limit breaks, travel, Summon designs, party dynamics change. What doesn't change is the strength of the story.

There are many RPGs and game series out there with incredible storylines (Starcraft <3) but what made FF so successful was its commitment to continual improvement...until a point. People generally agree things have started to go downhill in the last decade/after FFX. Is it because battles are no longer using the ATB or turn-based systems? Probably not. Is it because there's been a switch in focus to spin-offs, sequels and "the next one" rather than focusing on the current big project, leaving characters like Vaan, Penelo, Lightning et al completely vacuous, transparent and failing to engage us? More than likely.

I'm not saying everything they've done since X has been a mistake but SE need to make sure they're focussing on making quality products over cocktails of successful elements from other hot games to try and push truly terrible sequels (looking at you, Lightning).

Chocobos are nice too, though.