What are you currently doing?

All the usual stuff y'know alcohol drugs etc lol nah just kidding im having a massive argument with some people who i thought were friends
(the b-----ds keep calling me gay and jew and keep telling me to go s--g a rabbi and now im really p----d off someone kill me now!) im watching a movie on tv and its kinda scary
Lurking around here and having a random conversation on msn about cats. Strangely, i now want to be a cat...
Downloading my webcam. ^_^ I bought it at work for 40 bucks...t'was on sale. I couldn't resist!

Watching Wedding Crashers. Love that movie!!

Hah, yeah Eric just told me you guys just got done watching it and that's why you were still up. -_-

I'm currently talking to some funky dude. I bet you know who that is. :)
I'm currently talking to some funky dude. I bet you know who that is. :)
Yeah, he's a real Muffin Princess...:cool:

I'm going home and going to sleep. I have a damn paper to write up tomorrow for my 1:00 class and it's not started. Gayness.
Do I know the muffin princess Bustamo?

Just finished classes for today. Had a speaking test and a regular test. meh. Now I'm deciding whether or not I should watch this movie, anime, play Doom 3, or call up my friend.
trying to post, download anime, and play FFXII at the same time. I don't have anything i have to do all week since its spring break.:)