What Are You Currently Listening To V2

Kings of the Carnival Creation - Dimmu Borgir
this song always get the adrenaline pumping...

and i love the drums
Your Mangled Heart - The Gossip


A plain enough Indie band with a dash of something on the side. Not a bad song, but they've got better ones.
Flavor of Life - Utada Hikaru

It's a good jpop ballad. Nice melody and her voice sounds good. But it's nothing fantastic, she's done far better ones.
Children of Decadnece - Children of Bodom


One of my favorite Bodom songs and one of the first I heard by them.
I love the intro riff.
Prelude 3.0, Slipknot

eh 6/10 It's ok to listen to but it's not really that great.

Some of the parts are pretty cool.
"bitches" by MSI

i like it cuz its industrial; and i liek any MSI song anyways :P
Flaot On - Modest Mouse
i love this song, so catchey and upbeat
Cha La-Head Cha La

10/10 Oh hellz yeah this song rules.

I don't know who it's by but it was used as the intro to Dragon Ball Z in Japan.

Oh and above where I put the song "the WORLD" I found out it was by Nightmare.