What Are You Currently Listening To V2

Standing Next To Me - The Last Shadow Puppets
I've not listened to The Age Of The Understatement in ages now. But them bringing out the new single off it has re-kindled my interest in them.
Monrose - Sooner Or Later


It's beaty and I'm kind of addicted to it now haha, I'm trying to find the mp3 now though :dry:
"Chu Chu Lovely Muni Muni Mura Mura Purin Purin Boron Nururu Rero Rero" - Maximum the Hormone.


Such a varied sound, but I like it.
Seven - ¡Forward, Russia!
Just got Give Me A Wall today, and I don't really see why it's held in higher esteem than Life Processes. They definitely got better with the second album, but it's still a good one.
So Fine - Guns n' Roses
It's a tribute to Johnny Thunders, but it's a ballad, which is unusual. It's a good song though.
When I Grow Up - Garbage
A good song by a favourite band of mine.. I didn't used to like it but it's beginning to grow on me.
"Serve The Servants" - Nirvana.


I'm practically in love with In Utero. Such a great album.
Independent Woman - Destiny's Child


It's just stuck in my head, and it won't go away. One of my favourite songs by DC though, really catchy ^^
God Save the Queen - Sex Pistols
They can't play, or sing. But I like it.
I've been listening to quite a lot of Pendulum, recently. I'm getting into them, now, which is strange because I tend not to like that kind of music. There's just something about them that makes you think ... oaft. :pikamon:
There's only so much Pendulum I can listen to in one sitting. Hold Your Colour is a good album, but I've never been able to make it right through the whole thing. Love Blood Sugar though.

Falling Away With You - Muse
Time was I'd used to skip this song and think nothing of it. Now I'd say it's one of the best un-released songs they've done.
Falling Away With You - Muse
Time was I'd used to skip this song and think nothing of it. Now I'd say it's one of the best un-released songs they've done.

lulz, inoerite? Having a bit of that with Arctic Monkeys now that I've raided all of Muse's lighter stuff.

Mardy Bum - Arctic Monkeys.

Love the lyrics and the riff is fun to play.
"Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle" - Nirvana.


Even more In Utero. :monster:
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Toy Soldier - Britney Spears

I thought I would never listen to britney´s music. But her last album it´s far awesome. This song looks like a auto tune in her voice, making this song crazily catchy-ness. 8/10