What Are You Currently Listening To V2

The Slasher

† Seraphim †
Jun 19, 2006
Just like the original thread, only with a few new rules this time.

You guys should now include:

- Name of Artist and Song
- Rating, preferably out of 10
Reason(s) to why you like it

I'll start.

This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race
Fall Out Boy

I'm not much of a punk rock fan, but Fall Out Boy's songs are pretty good.
This is their new one, and it's catchy. Like it.

And why you rated the song the way you did and what you like about it. You can also add background information about the song or artist to make things more interesting to read.

We ask you to post it like this and to elaborate your posts. Posts that only contain a song name and artist will be warned for short posting.
Hmm new fred aye?


Valhall Awaits Me - Amon Amarth


This song is in fact the sex, if I were to explain why your faces would explode at the sheer awesomeness.
Artist= Amy Lee
Song= Whisper
Rate= 10/10

I really like the song, and a lot when the sounds are more louder
Kings of the carnival Creation - Dimmu Borgir


Not my favourite song but Vortex is great as usual. Good song though.
Smashing Pumpkins
Cherub Rock
I love the song. So beautiful. I love the Riff and Billy Corgan's guitar playing. It is one sweet song.
Wow,I expected all these entries to be queer eyeliner mall punk goth teeny bopper nasal whine music,like AFI and A Chemical Romance.Barf!Imagine my surprise when I see Amon Amarth,Dimmu and Dark Tranquility!Right now I'm listening to a rotation of I,Parasite and As Blood Runs Black.Great combo,you should try it sometime!


As Blood Runs Black(Allegiance)10/10
Wow,I expected all these entries to be queer eyeliner mall punk goth teeny bopper nasal whine music,like AFI and A Chemical Romance.Barf!Imagine my surprise when I see Amon Amarth,Dimmu and Dark Tranquility!Right now I'm listening to a rotation of I,Parasite and As Blood Runs Black.Great combo,you should try it sometime!


As Blood Runs Black(Allegiance)10/10

I know, scary isn't it...I'm sure the whine music will follow shortly though.

Little Dreamer - Ensiferum

Jari Mäenpää is godly, shame he left to form Wintersun though
Fuck you all!!!

Thin Lizzy - Whisky In A Jar
and also
UFO - Doctor Doctor

Screw ratings, screw reviews, its just pure rapeage :)
Money -PInk floyd
I give it a nine because it not Time , and how colud you not like the Flyod
The Night Masquerade - Dimmu Borgir
i like the chanting whores at the end , pulse dimmu is awesome
Rock Lee's Theme. I love this song, just inspires me to get off my ass and do something.^_^
Opeth - A Fair Judgement
has the best solo ever and its about a min. long HELLS YEAH!!