What Are You Currently Listening To V2

Daniel Bedingfield ~ If You're Not the One Gotta Get Thru This 8/10, its on the radio but its such a catchy sad song.
B.Y.O.B by System of a down. 10/10 This song is better than watching a blind person trying to cross the road (no offence intended)
Pet - A Perfect Circle

Count the Bodies like sheep to the rhythm to the ware drums
Burn the End
Living Sacrifice

Only really started getting into them today, picked up the albums from a friend kinda hard to describe what they a like but I say you should look into them if your into any metal. ;)
Song: Vermillion Pt.2
Artist: Slipknot
Rating: 9/10

I love this song but it's not one of Slipknot's louder songs but it still is in my top ten for favorites. I love this song because 1) I love how near the end the one guy's voice echoes and the guitar is AWSOME. And the lyrics are so damn catchy but I guess another reason why I like it is because Slipknot is my favorite band second to Metallica.
The Shins - Wincing the Night Away

7/10 - not quite as good as Chutes Too Narrow, it has some lovely moments (Turn on Me especially) but doesn't hit consistent excellence.