What are your hobbies?

I like to read books.
Mostly Non-Fiction, I like to expand my knowledge.

I also listen to music thats basically all I do.
My last Girlfriend broke up with me because I "Listen to too much music"
Hobbies, hobbies, hobbies...
I really don't get out of the house much. I'm somewhat immobile at the moment. I completely depend on others to take me places and make things happen for me. My hobbies I guess...are somewhat restricted.

My hobbies include painting, reading, making out with my dog, ebay, and FFF.
It sounds boring, I know, but...that's my life. ^.^
Hobbies, hobbies, hobbies...
I really don't get out of the house much. I'm somewhat immobile at the moment. I completely depend on others to take me places and make things happen for me. My hobbies I guess...are somewhat restricted.

My hobbies include painting, reading, making out with my dog, ebay, and FFF.
It sounds boring, I know, but...that's my life. ^.^

I forgot one, I also like to ebay.
I'd be on ebay all day if I could.
I buy all my game from ebay.
Sports mainly for me. Basketball, volleyball, and then if my little Bro wants to play something outback it's usually baseball or football.

Other than that, swimming in the summer, catching a movie, going water ballooning, hitting up Dunkin Donuts at 1AM, etc.
Im getting really into Drawing anime and stuff, just its alot of work and you gata practice all the time, im actually "trying" to draw sakura as I type this post.:P
Horseback riding, rock climbing, volleyball, wakeboarding, snowboarding, I'm basically the outdoor type. I started getting into photoshop, but thats something that I would rather take a class on than have to learn it myself.
I'm a short story writer and avatar designer. Haven't written a story in 7 years, but I'm always making avatars.