What character would you wanna be?

Well, I've only gotten farther than the beggining in FFV/5 and FFIII/6, so there aren't THAT many to choose from, but I'd eather be Locke or Exdeath.
Stuff like this should be in Final Fantasy Fun, I'll move this
Please remember that in the future
I'd probally be Cloud Strife, since he's my favorite protangonist in
the FF games. Either that or Ramza from FFT, he was kickass when
you got farther into the game. Plus his family problems and once
being royalty definately changed him.
i would be wakka since he is my most fav character next to rikku and tidus.
Vincent. no question.
1. His abilitys - SUPER QUICK!!
2. He's cool - goth syle
3. Chicks dig him
4. He's got his own video game
5. I hate myself!! - JK JK