What city or town would you wanna live in?

the canon it was the plac with the best view and was where i could study the stars all i want
I like the quiet places mainly, so somewhere like Kalm or Wutai (even if they are also run-down places in some ways). Though Costa del Sol seems to be the only truly happy place on the whole world in a way XD
hmm id choose cosmo canyon, reckon theyre all laid back hippies who spend theyr days smoking joints:P
midgar or wutai and maybe during the summer Costa Del Sol
Why midgar it's a crappy town unless you mean the upper part where shinra inc. is then I could understand but I would say Costa del sol or Wutai because they both look like nice calm towns and Wutai has cool buildings ^_^
I'd want to live in Wutai or Costa Del Sol, because they look like relaxing towns where you can enjoy the view.
Kalm or Nibelheim.

Kalm was always the place in the back of my mind that I was fighting to defend. Those people were my reason to fight.

I think both have such special places because they are the places that have the biggest 'wow' factor story wise. Kalm is the big flashback, and Nibelheim is the second really big flashback. It is these towns where i really got to know my characters...
I'd love to live in the chocobo ranch i mean comeon who wouldnt wanna be able to ride out on chocobo across the plains it woudbe so fun
Midgar cos of the city feel !nothin like it ! then retire to costa del sol or wutai !

Midgar!! So that maybe I could catch a glimpse or something more of that hot hunk of man flesh called SEPHIROTH!!!:D YAY!!
I'd live in Midgar, I love the feel of the city, though I wouldn't mind living in Costa Del Sol