What did you dislike about this game?

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Absolutely nothing. I'm not saying the game didn't have flaws, I' just saying that it wouldn't quite be FFVII if it were changed in any way, shape, or form. Battle system, plot, characters, sidequests, bosses, etc. Everything is what it is and is one of the reasons that Final Fantasy VII is one of the all-time best video games of all times.
Only the graphics for me. Not because it is old but I think they could have still done a better job. That is all really.
they could of fixed the graphics, but look what happened with FF8 and FF9 when they improved the graphics, the loading times doubled, and on FF9 the battle loading times were ridiculous, not to mention the requirement of a 4th disk for a game not that much longer.

As for my FF7 dislikes: Disks 2 and 3 were way too short.
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Well a lot could have been done to improve on FFVII, but it may not have been the classic it has become these days.
If certain aspects had changed and the player fanbase differed then we may not be here talking about it.
The only thing I'd say would to be a full remake with up to date graphics with a FFXII-style battle system to jazz the slow-paced battles up.

Characters/Story I wouldn't change a bit. It made FFVII what it is. Hundreds of kids across the world going "who the fuck is Cait Sith?!" and "Why the hell did Aerith die so quickly!?"

If certain aspects had changed the storyline would be totally messed ie. not killing Aerith would break the game,
as it's her that tries to come to aid and stop Meteor at the end

If an actual sequel came out it would be nice to see her revival in some for or another, or just even more to tease us as just an NPC lol.

Oh and I'd have the music remasteredtoo and include some overlay tracks by the Black Mages instead of the current synthesized stuff. But that's just because I'm a metal head! I'd replace the boss theme, "Still More Fighting" with the new heavy "Those Who Fight Further..."

Anyway soz for the extensive post. ;)
Judge rulia ive seen many of your comments saying this game was bad and for me it ownz the life out of any game in and ever to be in the market

But i hate cait sith!!!
Well that's you isn't it. I can be negative about it and with good reason, so there's no need to say what you did.
I don't like the fact it took away from the regular FF feel. This started a whole new twist on the genre. It made it more "scientific" then medieval.

I also hate this game period. Why? It's pointless in my eyes. The only reason it got so much hype was because it was one of the first to be played in America and such. If I sit down and play this game now, it's just boring. There's far superior FF's, such as VI and IX.
Uhhh I suppose the bad translations was the only downside..
But I thought they were more funny than I hated them. =]
I dislike how easy the main game is, anything that's genuinely difficult in the game tends to be well off the beaten track. Hell, I did a speed run last year and won the last three battles pretty much by holding circle on attack, only using the odd X-Potion or Remedy now and then.

The damn dream sequences/flashbacks. I don't mind back story, but if I'd rather skip it then I'd at least like to be able to speed it up by mashing circle and getting rid of the text in front of me.:rolleyes:
The few main things I disliked about this game were a few things.

1. They made Cait Sith a bit... useless... and his Death limit break killed me a few times... though it did kill Emerald and Ruby for me...

2. Not much back story on Vincent. He's KICK ASS man, who wouldn't want to know more about a gunslinger who can go Chaos on your arse! I know I'd like some more backstory in the game!

3. Bad translations.
FFVII was the first FF game i bought, and well i loved it and i still love it now. i thoroughly enjoy playing the game over and over again. BUT!!!!! there was one small thing that peeved me off! well the first time i played it i had a set party of cloud, aeris and red XIII and when aeris died i was devastated!!! i had leveled those three characters up so much that wen she died i had to choose a new character to fill her space. and still to this day not one of the other characters hav been able to fill her shoes as well as she did! perhaps with the exception of vincent. lol

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apparently you can make tifa die instead of aeris:D but i dont know if it is for a specific version or if it works at all you just have to disrespect tifa whenever possible
No....no.....that was one of the lovely rumours spread around, along with being able to revive Aeris. There were a few things that were changeable with an Action Replay or game Shark but nothing official as such. Final Fantasy has never really been a series for having changeable strory paths as such, at least not with something as major as that. Maybe it would be nice to see them do it in the future, seen as they all exist within their own universe and don't affect the other games storylines, but I can live without them, Final Fantasy 7 seemed as though it could only rerally have went one way as such and have the effect that it did.
yes i heard about the aeris revival and also the robot and zack trick as well those rumors are bogus (i tried zack i got the stuff and nothing happened it was a waste of my time i am angry:mad:
Final Fantasy has never really been a series for having changeable strory paths as such, at least not with something as major as that.

Just as well, the games are long enough when they are linear,can you imagine how much larger the game would have been with a major story changes, 22disk ffvii anyone?
What I didn't like about Final Fantasy VII is that, unlike previous FF games, you couldn't have four people in your party, and were instead confined to 3. And with Cloud almost ALWAYS having to be in your party, you only had two free choices.

There was a nice reprieve when Cloud was in a coma and you could have any 3 party members you choose. Also, there were individual tasks which required a certain character (Yuffie at Wutai, Vincent to meet with Lucrecia, etc...). Still, there was a real lack of experimenting with all the 5 other characters (7 if you had Yuffie and Vincent), and I really felt like I hadn't had enough time with them when I had beaten the game.

Of course, if you played out on the World Map for hours and hours tirelessly (which could sometimes get boring if you had no particular quest or intention in mind), you could level up enough to switch characters from time to time. And there's the final battle with Sephiroth, of course, which required almost everybody. But to me, the first play through the game--without sidetracking too much--didn't feel as fulfilling with getting to know the characters as it should've been.
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