What did you do when Aeris died?

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No lol I think you're the one who needs to lighten up a little or get some serious help. If you used her properly the way you claimed, then you'd find out that *gasp* she wasn't useless! And yet here you are pulling a double standard out of your ass and saying that you almost cried because you had her lvl 4 limit break and lost it. Make up your mind. Was she useless as you claim, or not as you claim you were really upset over losing that limit.
If you actually think it was cool to watch Sephiroth control Cloud's mind and you thought it was cool to have Sephiroth kill her right in front of Cloud, then you are seriously deluded, kid. Go get help before somebody drags you off to one of those rooms with a pretty white padded walls someday.
Hang on a sec, just because I appreciate a good villan and his/her plans, means I need help? That's gotta be one of the most hilarious things I've heard. Thanks for the laugh. Meh, yeah, kinda sckrewed up on the useless part, so I'll explain. Her stats were better then Cloud's when it came to using magic, so I used her for that. However, there was only a slight difference between Cloud and Aerith's magic. The problem is, her mp was draining pretty quickly and unless if I had alot of ethers and tents (which I didn't), her usefulness drops by alot. She can't do decent physical damage, so she doesn't have any alternetive to casting spells. Heck, in the long run, she becomes totally useless. Yuffie has the same healing limit break, has decent spell casting stats (er..Spirit and something else..forgot that one), and can do some pretty good damage. Really, if you want to keep this conversation up, then by all means PM me. Don't think others want to worry about this getting closed. Or, if you think I'm that messed up, ban me.

Oh, one more question, kinda out of topic: Can you explain the whole Aerith/Aeris thing? I mean, is it just faulty translation or what? Kinda curious about that.
I think you're kind of missing the point here. First off, Aerith's Limit Breaks were essentially the strongest healing techniques in the game. Great Gospel was just broken, not to mention beautiful to watch. She was incredibly useful if you know how to properly utilize her, not to mention the differences in statistics between the characters in this game are virtually unnoticeable. Second, the real impact from Aerith's death came not from losing her as a Playable Character, but from the effect it had on Cloud and Co., not to mention the circumstances surrounding the whole ordeal. Just look at what it did to Cloud, especially in Advent Children. You're not really looking at it from the perspective of the characters. They had just lost one of their dearest friends to their nemesis. That, in itself, is going to have a huge impact on them.

Though I do agree that it was part of what made Sephiroth so popular as a villain. It was a teriffic performance on his end as well, and really helped to define him as a force of pure evil that was to be feared by the player. I don't think it's fair to fault you for appreciating that.

And yes, "Aeris" was just a translation error. One of many, I might add ("This guy are sick," anyone?). Her real name is, in fact, Aerith.
i really didn't care. in fact, i was happy because i hate her :P
and Yuffie's a good female character, unlike Tifa or Aeris.
(i have my reasons, but if you're having problem with that, feel free to PM me and we'll discuss about it.)
that's my opinion anyway
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I was insanely angry when that happened. I used her from the moment I got her until the end. She had to be my most important character. And when it came time to finally kill Sephiroth I murdered him with a smile on my face.
At first I said "Huh?" then I expected to be able to use a Pheonix down on her, or the game to do so automatically.

Hey it made sense... it was my first RPG...

In the end it wasn't that big of a deal for me. I didn't use her anyway. Cloud, Tifa, and Barret was my team at that point and time.
that actually brings up a consideration that very few people make which is to remember that having 0HP is merely KO, not dead, a Phoenix Down can lift KO status, not death.
But at 0HP sometimes it seems that you get killed. I mean with the ways some enemies attack. Like when you get shot, blown up, stabbed and have magic casted on you. You would think that you'd be dead.

So a stab wound from Sephiroths blade should have seemed like a normal attack.

I had thought there would be a way to bring her back and I was insanely sad when the credits started rolling and she was still dead.
So a stab wound from Sephiroths blade should have seemed like a normal attack.
Well...you have to remember, your characters don't actually get hit with a lot of those attacks. It's all just a Gameplay element. Just look at Advent Children, Last Order, or Crisis Core. When a character gets hit with an incredibly hard-hitting attack, they're usually down for the count. If they get shot, impaled, sliced open, stabbed, or otherwise mutilated in any way, they're definitely not getting up. Notice how, in a battle, machine guns only do about 30 points of damage, whereas I believe a single bullet did Zack in. Granted, he'd just been through the fight of his life, but...still. Sephiroth seems to be the exception to this rule due to his being made almost entirely out of Jenova Cells and, thus, able to withstand multiple attacks with bladed weapons.
well when she died i imagined all jenovas all monsters after that were seph i killed them all then after thatt i nearly through the disk out but i thought if i kill seph justice revenge heheheheheh i wish tifa died
When Aeris died... I.....
Was just sitting there spamming the X button.Well, i didn't really use her very often so there.
I kinda missed having Aeris around because the who's-better-at-flirting-with-Cloud between her and Tifa was interesting. :neomon:

Seriously, I liked her character as healer. And her Limit Breaks were really helpful.
I was mad because I used her a lot and she was my favorite female character in any FF game ever.....

Aerithuuuuu T_T
When Aeris died I cried as I fought Jenova. I got really attached to her throughout the game. Then after I beat Jenova I was done crying. I was stunned, asking myself "Did that just happen"? LOL oh yeah That just happened.
The last time i watched her death i simply laughed as i was prepared for the fight after it and i had only used Aerith during the temple of the Ancients section in which you have to use her so LOL @ SE
just kept playing tbh


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At the time I didn't like Aerith as much as I do now, so her death didn't make me cry. It did make me angry though, and all I wanted to do was kill Sephiroth. It was pretty much the fuel for the fire so to speak.. I was determined to win after she was killed.
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