What Did You Name Tidus?

Hmm, I think I named Tidus "Miroku," I was going through my heaviest Inuyasha stage and I had a big cartoon crush on Miroku, sad.
I think that i gave him my name the first time. I don't think i have ever left it as tidus lol!
i kept him as plain old tidus
i never change my characters names
I often changed his name to relate to villains. DMC, KH2, and even other FF boss names.

I like bosses.

But on my last few play-throughts, I've just left him as Tidus. I ran out of good names. T_T
I never tend to change the character names, I suppose I'm boring that way 0.o I like the idea of naming him after previous FF characters like Reno though.
They never even use "Tidus" anytime during the game, so it doesn't matter what you name him. It only appears in the menu, and in the battle screen. Nothing more.

I named him "Annoying Little Brat" or better known as "Pansy".
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