What did you rename your party?


Jun 6, 2006
Did you rename your party?

I never change the names, it just feels awkward to me. Though I only renamed Aeris to Aerith so I feel cooler, and I also wear sunglasses while I do it.

Other than that, I left 'em all the same. Oh, I've renamed Red XIII to Nanaki before I think, but the last time I left it alone.
I've changed Red to Naniki once, but not changed the names of anyone else in all the bajillion times I've played that game.

Just really not worth bothering with, if you ask me.
I never change party names, it isn't right to do so in my book
I named them after all my friends one time.

Red XIII-Justin
Cait Sith-Jewamie
I tend to rename my characters after whatever fandom I'm following at the time.

When I first started playing I was a total fan of Digimon, so I renamed Cloud 'Tai', Tifa 'Sora', Yuffie 'Kari' and so on and so forth. Sad, yes, but I was 16 and silly.

Nowadays I stick to the original names. Except for Red XIII. I always rename him Nanaki.

Although... the first time I played the game I did stick to the original names, and made a typo. I had to go through the game with Red XIII named Nanakl. Whoops.
I played through the game with the original names first, then I replayed it with comical names.
Yup, same here. Btw emerald, you desacrated final fantasy VII with digimon names, I think that's a sin. You're probably going to hell just for that. J/k :D
Yes, I should go to hell. I don't know what possessed me. I blame Jenova. X3 Making my mind go crazy. If it's any consolation I usually rename them after characters from my own novel now.
Lol. My most recent one I named Cid, Cidfolas.
The first time I played, when I was much younger, I renamed all my characters to friends' names and stuff who I thought matched the character the most (I was Vincent, bwahahaha), second time through I named Red XIII to Nanaki, and then all the times after that I haven't changed them because the real names are meant for the characters and stuff, should be kept sacred and all that and shouldn't be changed
i think i did the very first time i played but every time after that nope its pointless plus you can get very confused with the story line then lol.