What did you rename your party?

i used to change the main character in most games after myself (matt) but recently i find it kinda annoying so i just leave them the same
i call him roxas now :)you should be able to get a naming way person to talk to so you can change whenever you want
Nah never renamed the characters, I always though the names given were cool enough :P
I don't like changing the names coz if I did and someone asked me about the character name I won't be able to remember it
Cloud - Toge (my nickname in real life)
Aeris - Ida (the name of a girl I like.. haha)
Barret (didn't rename him for some reason..)
Tifa - Isabella (my rabbit :) )
Red XIII - Devin
Cait Sith - Fluffy (^_^ )
Cid - Drake
When i played the game the first time i didnt change the names at all. then when i played it either the third or fourth time i shcnged all of the names to characters from dragonballz since at the time i was a big fan of the anime
i changed to names of my men almost every time just to see the effect. :)
I prefer to rename. I think its inventive and people who dont change names are either lazy or stubborn.
I call them names that I think are original and/or cool. Heres some typical names (not necessarily the ones I used)

Cloud - Troy or Trey
Aeris - NOT Aerith, thats for sure!!
Barret - Michael
Tifa - Abi
Red XIII - Whats the obsession with calling him Nanaki, its only his name!!
Cait Sith - Rex
Cid - Lance
Vincent - Rodriguez
Yuffie - Chris (or useless since shes USELESS)
I tried Aerith once, but the apostrophes kept bugging me. What makes sense to say "Aeris' stuff" doesn't if you say "Aerith' stuff". Plus, the 'th' is a harder sound than 's' and doesn't seem fitting for her character.

I did 'Nanaki' once for Red... but then when Bugen has to explain to your confused party that "Nanaki is Nanaki" it gets a bit silly :) So no.

The only thing i consistently change is Red XIII to Red, because it didn't make sense why they would constantly refer to his number instaed of just calling him 'Red'

In FFIX I change Dagger to Jen as a reference to Jenova.... but then the 'bring me my dagger to me' meta- joke is lost at the end... but I just cant get away with calling her dagger....
My most recent playthrough i changed Aeris to Aerith and Red XIII to Nanaki. I was also very tempted to change Cloud to Spikey and Barret to Mr. T, but i didn't.
I usually don't rename anyone when I play games. I dunno, I just don't like too. Unless I've played the game numerous times :P
I went through a dumb Dragonball Z phase and I named all my characters after the main DBZ characters, except Tifa, she had my name!
After playing through a few times I changes Areis to Aerith and Red XIII to Nanaki.

Then due to the Matrix I named a few after that and some from other FF games I played.

I always choose a different colour for my saves, makes the memory card slots look cool. Also I chose my first slot in number 15 as the avatar in the slot shows up as Sephiroth hehe.
Apart from changing Aeris' name to Aerith [because I prefer the original Japanese name for her than the accidental, 'translated' variation], I don't think I ever altered the names of the party. I once shortened Red's name from Red XIII to just Red, but then I decided with my next new game that it didn't really matter, and so ignored it.

But yeah...never saw the point in changing their names.
iv never changed any of the characters names on ffvii ! i feel it is disrespectful, and all the names are fine , so why change them?
iv never changed any of the characters names on ffvii ! i feel it is disrespectful, and all the names are fine , so why change them?

Because its an option and its fun? Why would it seem disrespectful if the developers give you the choice to change the names?

Some names Ive heard are abit random and silly, some call the lead female roles they dont like horrible names, like retard and such.

I dont do it now though.