What do you mean gone?

^ keel him

aerith in FFVII was no problem for me since I never really used her and did not like the sound of her attacking crap with her rod. luckily, all her equipment was auto unequipped when she left 8)
Aerith is the first character that comes to mind. I always end up in a rush during Disc 1 trying to level her up. I know she'll be kicking the bucket, but I can't just leave her sitting on the sidelines. When her death does come, I feel like I wasted my time, yet I also feel it was worth it, just to see what Aerith could dish out. It happens every time I play FFVII.
Yeah FFIV was bad...especially with Yang, as he was one of the mainstays of my party. And Kain was sort of a double-whammy. When he left it sucked for both gameplay and plot reasons.

The worst by far for me was FFII. People would leave, and in order to make the replacement halfway decent (which was usually a must given the difficulty) you had to pour hours into weapons and magic development. Ugh
Okay this happened to me in Legend of the Dragoon. Lavtiz was my second favorite character, and I had always used him. Even though he was replaced by Albert or whatever, I felt a piece was missing. It wasn't too hard going on without him, since it was relatively early in the game.
this is FF general discussion, not general game discussion, please bear that in mind in future

I thought I knew enough about FF plotlines to avoid this thread >_> Guess not.

Okay well I used this pretty tough snake thing in my party throughout Revenant Wings and left out a fairly useless mage who I NOW know is going to be with me the whole game, but he's about five levels below the others :ffs:
in ffiv i was training cecil and yang so much, and i was so mad when yang left, but then i thought again and thought, well at least i have cecil. im gonna stop here, if u beat ffiv u no y
I didn't really have too much trouble with this, or at least, if I did I don't remember it now.

There were a few though, I was pretty pissed off when
Galuf died in FFV though.
I'd leveled him up like mad up until then, it only served to make me resent the replacement they gave you. >_>

With FFIV I just ended up pumping everything I had into making Cecil a beast and the other party members just took backseat to him.

VII wasn't that bad, aside from the limit breaks you can easily replace Aerith with someone else and just give them the same materia. I just gave them to Tifa and popped Red XIII in the party with Tifa's old materia. The game isn't terribly hard to begin with so it's not like it's a devastating blow to the party's strength.
Besides, by then I'd gotten used to the game shoving people in and out of my party for plot reasons.

I can't think of anything else worth noting. The other games had their moments, but they were really just minor setbacks.
Aeris was particularly gutting because she is a fantastic magic user. You can work around it (I tend to groom Yuffie for the magic specialist as soon as I get her, sometimes at the expense of Aeris).

The one thing worse than having a beefed-up character leave your party is being forced into using a massively underlevelled character. FFIV regrettably is guilty of both! It's still one of my favourites though.
I think like alot of people aeris going has to be the main one for me. On my first playthrough i had no idea it was going to happen, and i half expected her to be resurrected later in the game.