What Do You Think?


Chocobo Breeder
Oct 19, 2006
Baghdad, Iraq
hi FFF members

what do you think about the game?

do you like? do you hate it? and wHY?


i played it and i dont really like it

the story is not (how do i say this) um stable i mean everytime a Character dies, if that continues till the end means there will 100s of characters and the story i dunno its kinda silly but nice GRAPHICS

its not like the other FFs for Example ff8-ff10(s)
well I can tell you did not really play it because every character dose not die. The opening cinma takes place BEFORE the story line that you play so that dont count, and the only person to die is someone who starts with a G. Not gona say who because I dont want to post any spoilers.

As far as the story line goes, its very stable. Atleast in the American version. I don't own the Jap version so I dont know about the Jap version.
ive only played the demo so far and from what ive played and seen i like it the battle system reminds me of star ocean 3 and i loved that game
i agree

hi FFF members

what do you think about the game?

do you like? do you hate it? and wHY?


i played it and i dont really like it

the story is not (how do i say this) um stable i mean everytime a Character dies, if that continues till the end means there will 100s of characters and the story i dunno its kinda silly but nice GRAPHICS

its not like the other FFs for Example ff8-ff10(s)

I agree they should have taken at least a little more time on the part about characters. Even though i have only played it a little it is kinda annoying.
thanx for coming

i forgot to say 1 thing

my friend liked it and kept playing it
he got to level 22
and gave me the SaveGame
i played 2-5 hours
and faced air-enemies (like birds and others) and i cant hit them only with magic and damages only 70-100
also if there are too many enemies like 4 or 5 you'll get killed the battle system is tottaly weird i dont like it, i cant play with this system
Like it! But I don't kinda like the ending....
And how discard the importance of main character.
Just got the game and so far only mildly impressed. The graphics and production values are high, but the voice-track almost ruins it for me. Over-acted, melodramatic, and downright lame at certain points. Equally annoying is how the sound of the voices don't match the scenery... it sounds like they're talking inside a bathroom all the time. I am tempted to buy the Japanese version if the Japanese voice-track is better. Another minor complaint I have is the in-ability to reverse the polarity of the right analog stick like in FFX and KH. The battle system will take some getting used to, but overall does not seem that bad to me.
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it hasn't come out here yet,so i don't know if i'm gonna like it.
but i guess yes,because it's a ff game.
you cant hit flying monsters becauase there FLYING!!!!!! Get a bow or gun THEN you can deal damage to them. COMMEN SENSE!
Oh and there is a skill you can get to deal damage with short range weapons to creatures with flying.
yep, its Telekinesis. Cost 80 or 90 LP I think. I dont remember off the top of my head. But it is located on the bottom right of the top half of the grid.
Wow... A Few Negative Remarks... Is The Game THAT Bad? :(

I've Had The Game For A Couple Of Weeks And I Find It To Be Fantastic.
i love the game. its difficult yet fun at the same time. this is the most challenging FF game yet. i like the new battle system and the license board kinda makes sense gotta go by the laws to use a certain weapon kinda like owning a firearm license.
love it

It s good to hear others find it challenging and its not just me. The thing is that its tough but unlike some other games…this makes it fun. Just about every aspect of the game seems to be top notch imho.