What does dispel do?

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it gets rid of beneficial status effects on your enemies - Haste, protect shell etc, and it can be used to remove negative status effects from your own players that Esuna doesnt remove :)
Yes you should definatly invest in either Dispel or dispelga - there both pretty much vital for defeating
Dispel is a white Magick :) level 5 i belive...and Dispelga is level 7...

im fairly certain about that anyway but if there not the levels i said they are ill double check for you :) but there are definatly a white magic :)
A lot of repatition lol

What difrence between dispell and dispelga does the ifrst heal on ally and 2nd heal all
dispel doesnt heal.

It removes positive status effects from one enemy.

Dispelga removes positive status effects on all enemies in range :)
It's definitely a good spell to have. It's in a lot of previous FF Games. When I first came across it in the series, I thought it was a higher version of Esuna. lol Yea... not good. I kept trying to clear my status effects and all it'd do is erase the good ones.
A lot of repatition lol

What difrence between dispell and dispelga does the ifrst heal on ally and 2nd heal all

Dispel does it on one enemy but Dispelga will remove status from all enemies within close range.

They definitely do help. It is best to cast it right away in battle (If needed).
Since the answer has been given and most is just repitition; topic...

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