What does "Science" mean?

Oliver Queen

You have failed this city!
Dec 31, 2008
Since you guys want to derail a thread with your pointless debate about what you think the word "science" means, why not debate in here, and stop derailing that thread, when there is obviously meant to be discussion on another topic.


I always thought "Science" was the pursuit of knowledge on a specific area of study, ie. Chemistry, Physics ect
First of all, this is a topic in the Religious Debate already. There's no reason to remake it.

Second of all, it's relevant when people are misusing the term, so it's impossible to continue conversations if we don't use the same language. The only people who complain about derailing threads are the people who are misusing the terms.

Third, this shouldn't be hard.

1. The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure

sci·en·tif·ic meth·od
Noun: A method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.



Nice. You obviously didn't read anything, since this thread has absolutely NOTHING to do with religion, which is why it's here, and not in the other thread.

Thanks for going onto dictionary.com and C&P the definition for science. A 3 year old could probably do that just as easily.

That being said, you obviously were not looking at the "Gay Caveman?" thread (which is funny because you have a couple posts in there), the thread was created for people to debate what they think science means. I'm sorry if your little mind did not compute that when you decided to post in here, because that was obviously what I was talking about in my post.

You must have failed your reading classes in school or something. :hmmm:
Alright people, lets cool the engines a bit, huh? This is a new thread, no sense in getting brash just because it was mentioned elsewhere. Now knock it off.
As a verb or a noun?

as a verb-
Science is the systematic study of phenomena in the form of testable predictions, observation, and experiments in an empirical way.
If the mods felt that this thread needed to be moved/deleted, then they would have done it already when the one above you posted, since this IS is his section after all.

Moreover, the other thread you linked is in the Religious Debate section, and also includes a discussion on the definition of atheism, among other things. So I see that thread as a definition of science in the context of its differentiation from religion. This thread, as it is not in the Religious Debate section, has a different context entirely, just as there are multiple aspects to science.

In the future, if you have a question about a thread in particular, instead of complaining about it in the thread, feel free to PM a staff member, or use the Report Post feature that is located in the bottom left corner of each post, near the rep feature.

Science- Physical

The two can coexist rather peacefully.

What is science?

I could give you a textbook definition, but science is really our way of exploring our physical world and all of its laws. It helps us to understand how everything works, and helps us to develop new technology and new theories.

Science is awesome.