What does "SeeD" mean?


Don't make the mountain your enemy
Dec 6, 2008
US of A
I always wondered about that name and as far as I can remember it wasn't ever explained in the game, I think the closest we got was when Seifer was torturing Squall and asked him questions about Garden and all the stuff.

I can't remember clearly if Cid or Edea ever explain it for sure, so does anyone know? :hmmm:
Ok, well I remember while Seifer was torturing Squall, one of your options was something along the lines of "Plant seeds around the world to grow trees and make peace" or something... but I'm not sure I remember how they came up with the name. I think you may have found out at the end of the game? I don't remember...
Ok, well I remember while Seifer was torturing Squall, one of your options was something along the lines of "Plant seeds around the world to grow trees and make peace" or something... but I'm not sure I remember how they came up with the name. I think you may have found out at the end of the game? I don't remember...
I think all those answers were to instigate with Seifer, I dunno I didn't really take it to heart that much, maybe that's the real answer though
I think the reason why they're called SeeDs, is because they live within a garden, and train themselves to grow to be stronger, like a seed.

Seeds grows under the nourishment of water and the sun. It doesn't stand for anything, as far as I know.
I think the reason why they're called SeeDs, is because they live within a garden, and train themselves to grow to be stronger, like a seed.

Seeds grows under the nourishment of water and the sun. It doesn't stand for anything, as far as I know.

I thought the reason they spelt like this "SeeD" was a abbreviation or whatever.

And anyway why is Garden called garden anyway?
I think the whole plant seeds and make peace thing was just a load of crap and I always thought Squall was just saying that to piss Seifer off.

I seen this and thought it explains the name better because they are the elite fighter's which fight and kill monsters/people for there missions.


Though am not sure if that the proper meaning.

I guess Garden was just a nicer word than Military Camp.
As far as I know of, I haven't seen any explanation of why the Gardens are called "gardens" and not just academies or something.

All I can think of is that the term "Garden" is just used as a metaphor for (as pointed out), growing, developing, reaching out towards the light (light has connotations with peace?). "SeeD", like the word itself I associate it with developing, growing and all that as well as new life in a sort of way. You can probably connect that with their job of going around the world quelling threats and political/military disputes and trying to sow peace or something.

(To be honest, it's a rather weak kind of metaphor, and the above poster is probably a bit more right. xD)
I think the reason why they're called SeeDs, is because they live within a garden, and train themselves to grow to be stronger, like a seed.

Seeds grows under the nourishment of water and the sun. It doesn't stand for anything, as far as I know.

If that's the case, then why do they officially become SeeD when they graduate?

They didn't explain anything as far as I remember. Cid was all like "Well DERR I signed a contract with NORG and we built this Garden thing to train you elite mercenaries to kill my wife! : D" Or something like that. Correct me if I'm wrong.
SeeD is supposed to be an elite mercenary unit created by the sorceress Edea in order to defeat evil sorceresses, especially Ultimecia.
SeeDs are trained at a Garden where they grow (like real seeds do) to become great fighters, etc. If you remember at the end of the game, Squall ends up at the orphanage and starts mentioning SeeD and the Garden, but Edea didn't understand (because he was in the past), but explains that they were her ideas. I don't think it was supposed to stand for anything.
Super Extraordinary Elite Dissidents

Actually, I have no idea. I have to agree with other people on here that it's metaphorical,, as they are trained in 'garden', so they are 'seeds'.
Sorceress enthusiastic elimination Department :D

It probably doesn't stand for anything, like SOLDIER from FF7. It is just weird that the last letter D is capital.
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I believe that aren't called SeeDs until they graduate because they really aren't allowed to go out and really grow and expand their experiences until after they graduate.

It's like a really garden, or flower/plant. It sits there and produces Seeds and whatever, and then releases them when they are ready.

I don't really know why the D is capitalized though. Hmm.
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Just a thought that recently came to mind..

FF in general has a lot of typos and whatnot. I'm thinking it may be from translating the text. It all comes from Japan, so changing it into English, French, etc. probably causes wording problems.

But using my imagination, I'd have to say the capitol 'D' is to let the word stand out even more as a pronoun. So you don't actually envision a 'seed'.

EDIT: if that's what the hell a pronoun is LOL
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I always thought the D was capitalized because it was a english/ grammar translation mistake. Kind of like " these guy are sick " from FF VII.

Maybe... but Japanese has no capitals so... I dunno.

Just a thought that recently came to mind..

FF in general has a lot of typos and whatnot. I'm thinking it may be from translating the text. It all comes from Japan, so changing it into English, French, etc. probably causes wording problems.

But using my imagination, I'd have to say the capitol 'D' is to let the word stand out even more as a pronoun. So you don't actually envision a 'seed'.

EDIT: if that's what the hell a pronoun is LOL

I agree with everything here. though the capital S would take care of making it a title, or proper noun. But the D helps make it stick out. That's probably the only reason, to make the word stick out. xP
I dint think we are meant to fully know why they call schools "gardens" or the graduates "SeeDs". I guess since it takes place in a fantasy world it would make sense as different terms are more likely to be used. I vaguely remember Squall saying something about SeeD... But its never really stated if the term is an acronym or not.
Why are you guys discussing this?

The Garden is called Garden because its Metaphor as in a place where things grow and develop, and SeeD is not an acronym :lew: its what the garden is grown from, in other words its a paradox.

The Garden grows from SeeD as in the Mercenary work they do earns them a fortune
and continues the growth of the Garden, and SeeD is what grows in the garden because of the work of the Other SeeDs, even though as rightly pointed out that Rinoa chick they dont become SeeD until they graduate, thats ruining the metaphor.

It not an Acronym.

Its analogous to saying SOLDIER is an acronym...........NO ITS NOT!!!:rage:
SeeD and SOLDIER are just like being called a Green Beret or Special Forces
its like a rank above the rank and file of normal infantry troops.
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