What draws you to the game?


It takes still to trip on grapes...;)
Sep 29, 2009
somewhere in the wrld
Ok, I know that only a little information about the plot and characters have been revealed, but out of all this, what draws you to the game? For me, it would have to be the darkness in it. Now, every FF game has "darkness" in it, but none so far have featured blood, or just a generaly dark world. In the extened trailer (I think) it shows Noctic's stabbing someone, and pulling out his sword, with the person bleeding. I hope that Nomura will keep going in this direction, and pull the game away from the general goodness of FF games.
I agree with you. Something about the darkness and seriousness about this game really excites me. I mean, none of the final fantasys were THAT dark. I mean, its nice to have a change. I like it when they bring out strong emotions, it shows how talented they are.
The new battle system, along with the new cast of characters really draws me to this game. I just cant wait to see how similar this battle system will be to KH. I also cant wait to see what makes Lightning so much like Cloud, as I heard that they are similar. The different weapons that this game has to offer look awesome as well.
The darker theme, easily the biggest aspect to the game imo. It's nice to know that it's going to be a tragic story, which to me, sets it apart from the typical beat the bad guy and save the world that the large majority of games in general have. Love the battle system as well, I always liked the Kingdom Hearts battle system so an advanced version of that would be ace. I really like the outfits as well, I don't know why some people have a problem with them, but I'd prefer to have them the way they are (realistic) than all colourful, especially Stella's, it looks unreal!
Firstly, if the trailers are representative enough in terms of visuals, this will be the most beautiful Final Fantasy title yet. There will hopefully be no Xbox 360 version where SE may have to find a compromise for the graphics like FFXIII. Noctis and Stella look absolutely beautiful- well designed and very realistic looking (Stella particularly).

The dark setting and theme is also something fresh to the FF series. As Ryan said, we have seen enough of these "heroes setting out to stop the evil villain from conquering/destroying the world and win- happily ever after" approaches. A more tragic story sounds fresh and interesting. It will hopefully add a new dimension to the characters we have never seen before. I would love to see SE's storytelling abilities be used for this.

I am now hyped up for more action in the FF series. I loved the Kingdom Hearts battle system- it was fun and fast. I would love to see an evolved version of that in Versus XIII.
I like the whole setting of the game. Sorcerers vs a modern time militia sorta thing in a downtown like space is pretty damn cool. I also like the fact that this most likely isnt going to be a humored and cheerful game like some of the final fantasys. I like the dark aspect of this game from what ive seen so far but thats not saying much.
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So what's the difference between FF 13 and FF versus 13? Are they two completely different games but just released at the same time with no relation or each other?
So what's the difference between FF 13 and FF versus 13? Are they two completely different games but just released at the same time with no relation or each other?
Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII are two completely different games that have no relation to each other, yes.
However, Final Fantasy XIII will be release 9.3.2010 whereas Versus XIII will probably be looking at 2011 at the earliest.
Also, Final Fantasy XIII is available for both the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 where Versus XIII is only available for the Playstation 3.
Like Ryan said, the darker theme.

It's more appealing to me as most every other Final Fantasy is good defeats evil and that's that. XD

This one comes across as a lot darker and not so pleasing for those who may enjoy a happy ending.

The outfits are rather attractive and classy too. =D That's just a bonus. XD

It really looks like it is going to prove to be a worthy game. I can't wait!
The darkness draws me to this game. The fact that it has such a dark feel to it and that it happens to be one of the only Final Fantasy's that contains blood makes it an intriguing game. Many of the rumors of the game also say that it will be the saddest ever, I want to see that. I want that to be proved true.

The only other factor that draws me to the games is its modern look. It honestly looks like the game could be taking place about five years from now. I like that. Its like the polar opposite of FFXIII which is so futuristic that at times it becomes ridiculous and a turn off.
There are a lot of factors that draws me into this game
but to sum it all up:
Nomura is the director
Both teams from Kingdom Hearts and Advent Children are developing it
Its an Action-RPG
Darker theme
and (apparently) a deep storyline
need I say more? ;)
I'm going to be honest, FFXII did nothing for me. It didn't look very interesting and frankly it seemed pretty unresolved.
But this is a different story. It seems to know what it wants, how everything needs to fit into the style, and how to make itself look pretty damn solid. It's also the first big FF for a next generation console, so I'm defintiely going to pick it up for that.

Oh, and it makes me wonder what they'll do for XV. I mean, this pretty much modernises it up for me, and I'd like it to be mixed in with even more fantasy or stylised modernisation like IX or VII. Or maybe they'll blow me away with something completely original and unique (XIV isn't doing much for me at all, considering how simillar it feels to XI. Seriously, it seems to hold the same principles.)
I look so forward to FF:VXIII
the feel to the game is beautiful the main character
might even become my favorite of all the series
I can't wait
yes its darker,more realistic and yes it would be great to see some twists for once in this series i like the way nomura has dramatically improved with this series over the years.

btw, if they have noctis and lighting battle noctis would sooooo kick her butt
Two things draw me to the game:

1) The lack of information. I'm just really curious about the game and this is probably a tactic to hook people before the game comes out.

2) The darker and more realistic story/theme. I love games like that and gives a nice contrast to the often child like stories of the FF games. I hope it's a game they really gets an emotional response from me just like FF games did back in the day.
I'm going to be honest, FFXII did nothing for me. It didn't look very interesting and frankly it seemed pretty unresolved.
But this is a different story. It seems to know what it wants, how everything needs to fit into the style, and how to make itself look pretty damn solid. It's also the first big FF for a next generation console, so I'm defintiely going to pick it up for that.

Actually FF XIII is the first FF for the next gen console. Versus XIII isn't coming out for probably at least another year or so.
Versus appears to be the most promising game since FFVII. Because:

-return of world map for first time since the PS1 era.
-darker theme (I'm curious as to whether this game gets a 'M' rating)
-first "true" love story since FFX (it appears that way anyway, Noctis & Stella)
-Noctis seems to be the most promising protagonist since FFVII's Cloud. The protagonists since Cloud have been Squall, Zidane, Tidus, Vaan, and now Lightning. I cannot comment on Lightning since I haven't played it (though honestly she doesn't seem to be any better than ashe from XII), but Zidane, Tidus, and Vaan were a bit too..."talkative" for me, lol. Squall's problem is that most of his dialogue is through his thoughts.

That said, Nomura did say that Noctis' personality is hard to describe, and that he'll be different from any other character. Based on the trailers though, Noctis seems like he'll be a great character. But we'll see. At the rate its going, it won't be out 'till 2012 anyway, lol.
Did they release any info regarding Versus? Cuz I think they're focused on the Nier series right now with FFXIII finally here [US shores]
~The darkness and obvious tragedy that will come with it
~The return of the crystals!!!
~The 'shotgun' guy, Stella
~Latin names like Noctis and Stella (same as my novel I am writing)
~Shakespeare influences (seriously, I would stalk that man if he was still alive)
~Action RPG! (I am over turn based battling!!!)
~It looks epic just generally

Hard to explain why I am so exited!