What Emotions Did This Game Produce In You?


~**~She Who Kisses The Sky~**~
Sep 23, 2008
This game made me CRY! Sometimes, it was from happiness. Sometimes from sadness. And sometimes it was because I was frustrated, but that was when I couldn't beat the bosses^^

So guess my emotions were happiness, sorrow, and frustration^^
*sigh* Tears of happiness ^_^

When Tidus stepped into Yuna's life, everything changed. They became friends and then a couple!
Althroughout the game I felt enchanted and unable to leave the game. The characters are so individual and colourful. The whole game is wonderful.
It got me very very VERY angry when Seymour tried to marry Yuna, aaaauuughhh that pissed me off!
And the rest I thought was really awesome because of some the crazy attacks in this game.
It made me cry at the end. No, not because of Tidus and Yuna, but because of:

Auron's sending. Man, I loved that guy.
Ending made me cry as well, except it was because of Tidus and Yuna xD I enjoyed watching the two characters grow and change and it was sad to watch Tidus leave Yuna, especially after she said "I love You".

I was also really angry when Seymour tried to kiss Yuna. I was pretty much screaming "Tidus, kick his ass!" at the TV.

Other emotions would be frustration at not being able to beat certain ememies, curiosity about what was going to happen next, suprise when Seymour returned for the hundreth time, awe at how awesome some of the cutscenes looked, and so on.
when auron was sent i felt like i was gonna just lose it and when seymour had anima own those fiends i just went "holy shit!"
This game produced many different emotions in me. In the beginning, I did get annoyed with Tidus at times, but as I came to understand him, I grew rather attached to him and still am to this day.
The scene where Tidus discovers the truth about Yuna's pilgrimage and that she's basically training to be a summoner only to die
almost had me in tears.

I did get really choked up during that scene. During the kissing scene my heart just swelled, and I got this really warm, fuzzy feeling. :P Then the ending...well, I think the ending speaks for itself...xD The whole airship scene and then Yuna's speech just got me all worked up again. xD I tend to get emotional with video games I'm really into. This just happens to be my favorite Final Fantasy, so naturally I would. ^_^ LOL
The whole game was just beautiful. The writing was superb!

One of the main things that made me smile was Kimarhi when he attempted the smile, I thought that was great, that's when it hit me about no matter how glum things are in Spira, everyone seems to be holding on to hope, and it shows the strength of the characters.

When Tidus found out about what would happen to Yuna nearly had me in tears, the emotion of the scene was awesome.

The fight with Yunalesca had the hairs on my arms standing up, when Auron gave his little speach right before the fight starts, with all the different camera angles, that was a great adition.

The love scene with Tidus and Yuna was just simply, beautiful.

Auron's sending was quite warmly sad (if that makes sense) when he gives Kimarhi the little dig in his arm, I loved that!

Then, when Yuna runs to Tidus, and goes right through him, that brought tears to my eyes, was forcing to hold them back, then when Tidus and Jecht high-fived, I could hold them back nomore. Only two games have made me cry properly before, FFX being one, and Metal Gear Solid 3 being the other (the ending)

Beautiful, beautiful game.
Auron's speech before the Yunalesca fight was very inspirational, and epic. There are a few moments like that in the game actually.

Rikku always stirred a few emotions in me too ;p
A few things stirred up some emotion in me, but one thing that sticks out is when
Tidus is reunited with Jecht.
Nothing in this game drove me to tears though :monster:
Ending made me cry as well, except it was because of Tidus and Yuna xD I enjoyed watching the two characters grow and change and it was sad to watch Tidus leave Yuna, especially after she said "I love You".


Tidus and Yuna laughing together was pretty embrassing but funny to watch.

Wakka punching Luzzu made me laugh.

Auron's being sent annoyed me. Why did the bad ass character have to disappear and not any of the annoying ones?!
Sigh... This was the last great final fantasy. Before that VII (don't start off topic on this, just throwing an opinion out there), but honestly this had me actually emotionally attached. No offense to all the old FF's, I just can't get attached to reading stuff all the time, I don't get the same benefit unless it's a book.

Well Auron reminds me of a very experienced person, someone who was a guide, someone who looked over all.. a God in his own right. Tidus was
annoying until 3/4ths into the game... I just couldn't take the crying about his dad and all that jazz
. I'm to detached from my parents to understand it.

Yuna was definitely the most understanding of people, and she made for a great summoner. I believe she is in the top 3 ffxi girls, most definitely. I had a great time playing this game, thanks to the story line.. made me smile. Rare.

That's my two cents.. and I'm out.
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This is a game I absolutely fell in love with. The story was so heart touching, and I indeed did cry at the end, because of Tidus and Yuna. Those last moments where she looked at him as he was leaving was just so heart breaking. The part where she said "I love you" was a moment that gave me chills. I was very attached to this game, and it's one of the best adventures I've ever played through. I was always interested in what would happen next as I played through the game. Watching Tidus and Yuna journey together and fall in love was just about the most amazing journey I've played on any game, or seen in any movie.
Frustration out of not being able to beat Evrae or Braska's Final Aeon.

Honestly, I disliked both Tidus and Yuna, so the scenes that other people find emotional with both of them in it did nothing for me. I laughed at Tidus fading away.

Now, were they different characters that I LIKED, it would have been more emotional. But just them? Nah.
It's such a well-told story and it's designed to bring up multiple emotions. I loved Rikku's character as well as Auron's. Lulu pissed me off sometimes... she's so harsh. I liked Wakka and most others but Tidus was slightly aggrivating.

The end was quite powerful but it made me feel nothing but not like I didn't feel anything, it was like feeling empty but not quite... if you know what I mean. Tears, however, were out of the question.
That's strange. Being someone who enjoys being emotional ~sometimes~ :wacky:, there was something about this game that kept me from being attached to it (I never finished the game). The game itself didn't produce any emotions in me, but I did sense that the atmosphere of the whole game was usually solemn. Something about the vibe is just lonely and even though it's the first ff game with voice acting, I felt like it was just mute. O_O