Dirge of Cerberus What enemy/boss ended up killing you the most?

None ^^ at arch azul i ran in circles till my m8 told me to restart at the level before and buy some ether and blizard materia...At rosso the crimson i was hiding behind posts most of the time till she went away from the jukebox thing. You'd think the last level of the game would be hard...i did it in 20 minutes or somthing...Killed omega weiss no potions, help or trouble...

Lol bustamo just use limit break it 0wnz her azz :P

Arachnero and gorgonero did my nut in a bit...At the end i used limit break on gorgonero when he came into my rock and pummeled his head in and koed him muhahahaha
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Well I think the boss that really kicked my ass was Hojo controlling Weiss before you controlled chaos :P. Really though, anything with the shielded soldiers I hate...I remember there was one point where there were a bunch of them on some pipes so you couldnt melee them and when I used limit break I wouldnt get too many shots on them, I dont think I died but I had a lot of problems there. Any Cait Sith mission gives me trouble too, I just spent I think 2 hours trying to beat damn Rosso the crimson with cait :P.
that crazy lady in red
the b!tc# kicked my @$$ all over the place
but with some spartan law in my head I killed her
and thanks to the jubox in the room
I had an awful time with the floating mines in the lift in Deepground, I always started on them when they were too close to me.

Rosso was a little tough but I did it with Limit break.

Arch Azul was the only boss that actually killed me.
arch azul but i found a cheat to remove him from the camera (stay close and make him 'invisible') and keep attacking him while keeping him out of cameras view and his attacks will be N/A
When I first started playing, I had a lot of trouble with Cait and those DG Guys. But the one who would kill me off the most was Rosso.