What FF game are you currently playing

I am trying to finish Final Fantasy XII but I never have the time to. :D

In the middle of me playing the game I got my new PS3. But I cant play my PS2 games on It so I cant finish It since Ive been playing a few online games. I can beat It now If I want to though. :P
I'm replaying FFVII at the moment, I completed CC and I didn't quite want to leave the FFVII universe xD I just wanted the story to continue ^^

At the moment, I've just left that cave place, after Kalm. I forget the name.
I'm replaying FFVII at the moment, I completed CC and I didn't quite want to leave the FFVII universe xD I just wanted the story to continue ^^

At the moment, I've just left that cave place, after Kalm. I forget the name.

That's exactly what I'm going for when I finally get Crisis Core. No matter how many more games Square-Enix makes I will still be In the story line of Final Fantasy VII. :)
Currently playing FFV Advance and doing a second playthrough on Crisis Core. I also have the end game of FFII on the PSP and its new dungeons to finish off but I'm taking a break from that.
I'm currently replaying FFXII so that I can better understand the story. I spent all of my time my first play through completing sidequests, so I've forgotten a good bit of what happens.

Right now I'm on my way to the Garif Village ^^
FFT: War of the Lions. :neomon:
I'm never going to finish this game...every time I pick it up I lose on the second battle in the WHOLE game. -__-
It's just hard and the tutorials on the menu screen are so long and boring but I think I'm going to need to watch them D:
I'm playing FFXII, I just got it not that long ago and I'm realy enjoying it
I'm currently 69 quests deep into FFTA2. So far I've been impressed with the game.
Now, I'm replaying FFIX. The first time I played it, I never really appreciated how good it was. Now, I'm wonder what the hell my problem was! :wacky:

Right now, I'm in Lindblum visiting Regent Cid on Disc One.
Im currently playing Final Fantasy VI for the Game Boy Advance since I never played the original one before. =/
Started a new game on VII yesterday, although i'm tempted to go and carry on with disk 2 of VIII right now :P
I am currently playing Final Fantasy X-2, and, despite the rumors I have heard about it, I am actually enjoying it.