What final fantasy character are you most like?


Dec 19, 2010
What character are you most like? Personality and style wise i would say I'm like tidus and squall.

Villian wise i would be just like Maester Seymour. .

Post who you are like here!
I am somewhere between Squall and Laguna. I'm like Squall's brother.
My mind is like Squall's, but my heart is just like Laguna's if that makes any sense.

I tried once to be totally like Squall for one day. It wasn't hard, but at the end of the day I felt strangely depressed. I wouldn't try to be Laguna, because I would end up looking stupid.
The first one that come up to my mind is Squall. Although I don't really like him as a character, I think I'm a bit like him, especially like in the beginning of FFVIII. I may appears to others to be cold and distant. A lot of the replies he says in his head in the game when someone else talk to him would be probably the same for me. I laughed a lot the first time I was playing VIII when I saw how he was thinking.
I would have to say I'm most like Zack 'The Puppy' Fair. I'm fun-loving and serious at the same time. I'll sometimes do goofball things, but I'll never turn my back on my friends. As a former soldier myself of the US Army, I also know what it's like to be in situations where in order for others to live, someone has to make that sacrifice, so I can sympathize with Zack's decision to save Cloud by facing the entire Shin-Ra army. And he's one of the very few FF heroes that did not have a serious emo moment or streak (unlike Cloud, Squall, Lightning, etc.).
Lols. I have no idea what Final Fantasy character I'm like. I just did I quiz and I got Tifa.:hmmm: But I could be more of a Laguna. I'm always being silly, making jokes and guess being the clown of the group of friends like Laguna. And I really care about the less fortunate and the wellbeing of animals like Laguna. :andry:
I guess I'm like Tifa, Rinoa and Yuna all mixed together. I have Tifa's shyness, Rinoa's optimism, and Yuna's hope.

Villian wise... I'd probably be a bit like Ultimecia or something. :cookie2:
I have Kefkas sense of humor and lulus coldness... depending on my mood..
I think I am like...


Don't hate me lol

I often feel insecure. And I am also very sensitive of what others say, but at the same time insensitive of what I said to others. Hope is weak and whiny when he is alone at first. This is pretty much like me. I need to depend on others to feel secure and stronger. Oh and I can be really childish at times.

I am also, to a large extent, like Vivi.

I often wonder about why am I living and what is the purpose of my existence. I am also extremely gullible and can be a fool sometimes. I am always scared of everything that seems dangerous. I have very low self confidence and self esteem too.

Hopefully my character will develop like Vivi and Hope did :)
I would say I am like Amarant. Blue-skinned and red-haired... Nah, only joking about the skin and hair.

Just like Amarant, I am eager to find answers. I acknowledge what people say, what they do and how they do it. This also develops my aspirations for things. I like to keep quiet and only make inputs in conversations when needed.

Another character I think I am similar to is Zell.

At times, I can be very energetic. I have a habit of not being able to stand still and I like to do exciting things. When someone annoys me, it irritates me like hell :D
I am a very angry and hateful person mostly but I think I can also have a good sense of humor, does anyone know a character thats like that? I can't even think of one but I am assuming it would be a villain, I definitely cannot think of a good guy who hates everyone and is constantly angry....

Edit: Ok I did a quiz coz I really couldn't think of who I was like and I got:

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

so I guess I'll stick with Kuja then :S I guess I wouldn't blow up an entire planet tho.
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I know Versus isn't out yet, however I place myself most with Stella. I think I look a little similar to her...and I think I have some of the same character qualities as well as her being confident and somewhat bubbly in nature:

"Stella is described to be ladylike and extremely polite but direct in her manner -a reflection of her proper but strong upbringing. She acts according to her beliefs, and doesn't shy away from problems..."

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Fantasy_Versus_XIII

I think I'm more ladylike (probably what would be more easily defined as a girlie girl) and I'm always polite to people. I'm also blessed enough to have had a good upbringing. I stick up for what I believe in and while my problems stress me out at times, I always face them instead of running from them.
I guess I'd be Tidus! I love to have fun, making people laugh, I'm competitive, stubborn, child-like, falls for the nice type, kinda flirty. But... I'm kinda smarter than him. And less athletic, so I guess It's even. :)
tidus and sephiroth

hmm... this is a little tricky... i guess i'd be tidus for the good guys cause i always try to stay upbeat and nice to other people, and i sometimes scream randomly for no reason, which is every morning. lol. for villians, i would be sephiroth. i'm not saying this cause i'm a sephy fan, but when i get REALLY mad, i'm like a volcano and i just don't care at all. i tell the world to go fuck itself. but only when i'm REALLY mad. so yeah.
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Of all the FF characters I'm mostly like Tifa shy, caring and I have trouble confessing my feelings.
I'm also quite a lot like Squall. Introverted and has trust issues. Weird thing is I'm born on the same day as him. xD
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Yeah, I just did this quiz because there was too many options of who I could have been. Here's what I got:

Kinda shocked, since this is one of my favorite characters, but hey, I'll take it.
I've taken that quiz and it spawned quite a few different results for me, but here's a list with short reasons, since there's not any one character I can fully familiarize with in every way:

Cecil--because sometimes I tend to take on/feel a lot of responsibility for things, and am the one people rely on for that sometimes (whether I like it or not XD)

Rydia--because when I was little, I always thought of myself as being smart for my age like her :P Except that she was actually smart and me, not so much :lew:

Cid Pollendina--I'm kooky and often spontaneous :edd: He's the spitting image of what I hope to be like when I'm that age (though in female form) :D

Humingway--because I would totally float around on the moon humming all day long sometimes if I had the chance :D

Sabin--because I try to keep a good sense of humor, eat like a pig, and try to keep a cool head whenever I can

Cyan--because sometimes I feel like I have a bit outdated and romanticized standard for morals with certain things (and I also get all flustered when I'm made fun of :lew:)

Setzer--I love adventure, airships, and having as few obligations as possible :D

Umaro--There are some days when I just want to throw people :rage:

Gogo--There are also days when I want to hide from the world and be mysterious :P

Tifa--Sometimes I'm something of a tomboy, and I try to be a good friend whenever I can (also I've been told that appearancewise, her best...um...feature, is also my best one XD though I debate it somewhat)

Barret--When there's something I want to get done, it's hard to demotivate me from doing it. Also, sometimes I curse like a &*#)$U#$$U_@#$#! :wacky:

Cid Highwind--I love the idea of space travel and building flying machines, and I dream (geek) over it in kind of the same way

Selphie--sometimes I'm extremely hyper :spaz:

Steiner--because I'm a worrywart

--because I'm curious about the world

That's all I can think of for now, but I've always loved how realistic FF characters' personalities have been throughout the series. It's very easy to relate to many of them, no matter what walk of life you're from.
i just took the test

i didn't know there was a test before. i took it 10 times. here are my results:
so i guess i'm sephiroth: evil, insane, and really powerful. oh yeah! go sephiroth!