what final fantasy game was this?


Dec 2, 2013
years ago i was playing a final fantasy game, i dont remember wich one it was, but it had a special feature with it, it was kinda like an item finder, it was either a chocobo or mog that over time would find items n such and you could transfer it to your game. If anyone know what game this was plz let me know its driving me crazy. ive tried googling it but i havent gotten anything back. I appreciate all the help.
Think you are talking about final fantasy viii.

If you bought a pocket Station from Japan, you had a chocobo mini game like that...

If not that, then look at FFIX hot n cold game
oh yeah speaking of which I hear the Steam re-release of FF8 has the pocketstation, anyone got any info on that?
it was VIII. the pocket station minigame also came as part of the pc version of the game. I think i played it just as much as i did ffviii itself. It gave you a special summon that grew stronger as you leveled the chocobo in the minigame if i remember correctly.
it was a game of its own where you had chocobo walk around a screen with a bunch of dots on it. each dot was some sort of encounter. If i remember corectly, they were either a fight or an item for ffviii. it definitely helped a lot early on when i first played the game.