What Font Do You Use?

I just use Verdana.

It's easy because it's always the default and it already looks nice and easy to read.

So I just stick with that.

Too annoying having to select a font all the time and then sometimes you forget and then all your posts have different fonts.

I'm picky about those sort of things. All my posts must be perfect. Spelling, same font etc. XD
I prefer Verdana font, because it's simple and easy to read, I guess. I like Comic Sans MS too, but I usually stick with Verdana.
I changed to Trebuchet MS and the default font color D;
I didn't like Century Gothic for all of my posts. Too big.

PS: You can edit your font setting in the Option portion of your User CP. ^_^
I use Comic Sans MS in the shoutbox and the posts but in a serious post I use Book Antiqua or something >_>
Century Gothic. I have a keen preference for fonts that are rather minimalistic. In fact, my handwriting itself is rather small and neat too, much that teachers who do not recognize my handwriting usually think it belongs to a girl. So, I suppose my 'font size' in reality reflects my preference in virtual reality.

I rarely ever use the ShoutBox... But I suppose I prefer using Arial Narrow when up there.
Lucida Bright! I had it aaaaages ago and for the life of me, couldn't remember what the fuck it was when I changed it to some other font. I dont even know why I changed because I LIKE this font -__- Months it took me to remember MONTHS, had people trying to help me at one point, and about half an hour after I decided to ask people to help, I went and fuckign remembered. So yeah thats miiine

Font colour changes depending on the sig set
I use the default Verdana font.

I've been a bit of a silly person and not customised my writing at all... No change in font here or in the SB... No change of colour either.

I don't know why I've done this, but perhaps it was simply to avoid me having to change the font for every post etc I make. It's quicker to just do this. If you can change the font for all posts then I've never looked into how to do that... But even so, I see little reason for me to change it now and it will make all my other posts appear odd now.
You can change it in the user cp you muppet 8F

As if Im gunna sit there and change all my fonts and colours every post hahahaha
As if Im gunna sit there and change all my fonts and colours every post hahahaha

Ha ha. :D Ah right that's a fairly good point. :wacky:

Well I might change mine some day and do that, but it might look odd / feel weird now. It might not feel like me anymore writing it. Perhaps I've attached too much importance to the default font. :ness:
Guessed I made a switch over to Franklin Gothic Medium. As mentioned previously, minimalistic fonts make my day. Better yet if it has is cursive in a manner that appeals to me- unfortunately, I've yet to come across one. Lucida Grande is another nice font to try, but I think it's not available on this forum... Not sure though, will be trying out later.
I always use Georgia and a purplish color on forums I plan to stay on long-term. Seems elegant and it's usually not overused by other people.
Trebuchet MS for both sb and on posts. Don't like little fonts; make my posts look small but love the style.
Century Gothic in the color Lavender or as the forum calls it "plum" has been my signature font for awhile now. I used to roll with Comic Sans MS when I first became a member but I got sick of it.

Defaults are so boring :monster:

...and I do love purple :inlove:
generally i use COMIC SAAAAAAAANSS!!

But I think i'm using I dunno actually. Times New Roman :S Arial...dunno...but I use Book Antiqua in the SB
I use whatever forums provide me, but for my personal mountain of typing I prefer Verdana or Calibri.
Century Gothic in aqua blue or dark purple.
I don't know. Kids Scrawl isn't available, so as far as I'm concerned the font I'm forced to use isn't real >.>
Arial. Just because its so universal. For written work, arial size 11, 1.5 spacing. Just for your information >_>