What game did you buy last?

I'm not sure which one I got before the other as I invested my money in them around the same time and complicated blah blah stuff like that...

(must show the covers for more realistic portrayal of ownership)

Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition for the PS3 -
$23.48 CAD

and Resident Evil 4 & Code Veronica HD Collection for the PS3 -
(box art doesn't really apply since it was a digital download over PSN)

I'm becoming a fan of Resident Evil and how else can I do so without playing the entire series chronologically? I just finished 3 a little while and it's time to move onto Code Veronica X. :)
... (my 666th post):gasp:



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I recently bought Borderlands, for 12$ on Amazon last Saturday.

I'm expecting the copy to be here by Friday, Tuesday at the latest.
Lollipop chainsaw i got it last week i think i can't recall, i'm working on getting the platinum trophy for it at the moment. It's pretty decent in my opinion.
Ocarina of Time on the 3DS! :cheer: Oh my, it is absolutely fantastic. It looks so much prettier than the original N64 game, whilst still retaining the charm of the older generation. It's cleaner, brighter and more detailed; I can't wait until I reach Hyrule!

I know the game itself is going to be good. ;)
Went on a digital downloading spree.

From Steam, I recently grabbed the first Knights of the Old Republic for £7 (and I've finished it), the first Mass Effect for £10 - because of the fact that it isn't available for the PS3 and I want to play through the whole trilogy from the beginning - and the first Deus Ex for over a quid during the weekend sales. I've yet to play Deus Ex beyond the training level, so I've yet to really sample what it's like. I've yet to touch Mass Effect however, because I'm waiting for KOTOR 2 to arrive and complete first.

I set up a GOG (formerly Good Old Games) account and while I've not purchased anything yet, they've kindly given out a decent list of free games. I've only downloaded Beneath a Steel Sky and Ultima IV, and they alone will eat up countless hours. The former really reminds me of a Broken Sword game, albeit set in a dystopian city, and so far I'm loving this point and click adventure classic. Meanwhile, Ultima IV is very graphically limited, but it's probably one of the best computer RPGs ever made, breaking the conventional mold of going around saving the world by bashing a baddie in the head in favour of a journey of enlightenment and avatarhood.
Vanquish. I wish I bought Bioshock 2 instead as I know for certain that I might have enjoyed it more. At least this one is also as enjoyable : ))
Ocarina of Time on the 3DS! :cheer: Oh my, it is absolutely fantastic. It looks so much prettier than the original N64 game, whilst still retaining the charm of the older generation. It's cleaner, brighter and more detailed; I can't wait until I reach Hyrule!

I know the game itself is going to be good. ;)

Oooh, you really should look forward to making it to Hyrule Town...a big change there. Well, it's not a huge change...but it is for a Zelda fan ; )

I recently bought the new resi bundle that's up on psn (UC and DC). I also ordered Atelier Meruru...with money I don't really have; it's the cheapest we'll probably see it though, so it's better than waiting and buying it when it's more expensive :)
I won SMT: Devil Summoner in an eBay auction for cheaper than where I'd normally get it so that was nice. Should be here next week sometime but I've got quite the backlog so I won't be playing it anytime soon. I also bought Ico and Shadow of the Colossus HD which gave me a free month of PS+ where I got a discount on Journey.

and the first Deus Ex for over a quid during the weekend sales. I've yet to play Deus Ex beyond the training level, so I've yet to really sample what it's like.

Good choice :ryan: I bought Invisible War since I've beaten the first one 3 times, though IW doesn't run very well on any computer.
PAYDAY: The Heist
I just bought this last Friday for me and my Buddy to play. It got Ok reviews so I thought why not! Though it was a little on the expensive side. After I bought it I heard a few things about it that made me regret it but now that we've played the first couple of levels I'm really glad I got it! It was so much fun being bank robbers haha, different to what you usually do in games. And I am clearly a better robber than Big Casino as I have higher bank robber reputation :ari: He just runs off into the distance leaving us behind and gets himself killed /smug >_>

Pokemon Conquest
I literally just ran downstairs from work and got this then. I've heard so many good things about it and I am so excited to play it!! I've needed a new game to play on my 3DS. I've completely thrashed Mario Kart 7 on it waiting for something new haha. I will play it as soon as I get home!
The Walking Dead: Episode 2 (finally!)
Gotham City Imposters

Looks like my PS+ membership has paid off these last few weeks. Now if only they would discount some PS1/PSP games.
The last game I bought was Dragons Dogma and I really enjoyed that game...very challenging :D In terms of borrowing games from friends...I am playing Persona 3 on my PSP and I am loving it, absolutely brilliant game.
I bought Atelier Meruru the other day and I've got to say that it's one of the best RPGs I've played. I'm only about 6 hours into it, but the music and graphic-style are so stunning. The battles are like a basic version of the ones from FF10, but the battles are still harder even after levelling a bit. There's also some strategy outside of battles, sort of in the same way that Crystal Chronicles: Life as a King had strategy. You build your town, attract people there, become popular (or less popular), take quests for the towns people. There is so much choice, but it still has a solid enough story line for those just going for the main game.

My one criticism is that you are timed in the same way that you were timed in Persona 3/4. I hate being constricted like that 'cause I'd rather enjoy a game at my own pace: level up when I like (every battle takes up in-game time), gather resources to alchemise for however long I like (takes up time again). Just walking around the map takes up in-game days. I'm hoping that once you've done the main game you can carry on exploring the world and doing side quests, otherwise I'm gonna miss out on so much.

I don't know why I'm only now mentioning it, but the main story and focus of the game is to mix loads of items ready for different sidequests/main quests. You ain't gonna be getting past even the start of the game without mixing items. You need to mix to make potions and damaging items for battles too, so like I said, it's heavily focused on alchemy. I don't normally like this concept in my games, but it's done so well in Meruru that I'm actually enjoying it :grin:
Rayman Origins

Just bought it yesterday for twenty bucks. The 2D graphics in this are beautiful. A great game if you just want some straight-up, side-scrolling, platform action.
Saint's Row the Third and Trine 2 b/c Steam Summer Sales. I needed to get SR3 because I wanted to play it with friends, and I already have the first Trine so I wasn't sure when 2 would go on sale for cheap again so I made sure to get it. Probably gonna go buy Skate 3 for the PS3 soon because I really need that for its hilarious glitchy multiplayer.
Call of Duty: Black Ops.
Man I have owned so many copies of this game hahaha, for PC, for PS3, and I ended selling them all. But I have bought it again, mostly to play Zombies and combat training. I can't wait.

Saints Row The Third
Never played any saints row games before, but I heard good things about this and it has multiplayer. It was on special so I decided to give it a whirl!
Lego Harry Potter years 5-7 (Vita) for $8
White Knight Chronicals (PS3) for $14
Assassins Creed Revelations (PS3) for $10
Tekken Tag Tournament 2

I am so excited to have this game! I love tekken so much and am such a master at it!
I didn't even know the game was out until someone told me which was a very nice surprise! I got the special edition one, which comes with Kunimitsu and a couple other characters, some stupid snoopdogg level and some bikini's :wacky:

I will give it a go tonight with my friends, some practice for my upcoming tekken battles this weekend :ari:
Borderlands 2: Handsome Jack and Butt Stallion's Fantastic Adventure

I haven't even beaten the first game yet but I couldn't pass up the fantastic deal I got for it on green man gaming (whatever THAT is) where I was able to get it for 36 dollars rather than 60 which is very unreasonable for any game but I buy them anyways. I only started it and plan on finishing the first before I continue it but the characters are hilarious and well written and the game itself works a lot better than the first. Now I'll go back to the first game that has too many damn quests for it's own good and hopefully get done with it before I'm burnt out of the game to enjoy this.