Nintendo What games do you have on NDS?


I want a chocobo...
May 5, 2008
I just got mine yesterday and I'm on the prowl for some good games! What do you guys have? As far as making suggestions for me, I hate puzzle games, Tetris makes me wana die. I love RPG games and Super Mario World (which I have) is the only go-across-the-screen-die-in-2-hits type game I like thus far. :wacky: I still need some good suggestions though, so hit me with it!

Plus, I'm just curious what games you guys have :D
I only have a few really,

Revenant Wings
Chocobo Tales
& Brain Training :wacky: That makes me look thick get the idea :wacky:

I'd defo suggest FFIII i realy enjoyed it, and reveneant wings is fun aswel, its a bit of a slow starter but really worth it :monster:
I gots...

Pokemon Diamond
Mario Kart DS
Animal Crossing Wild World
Final Fantasy III
Super Mario 64 DS
Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass...can't believe I forgot that one.

If you love RPGs, Pokemon Diamond/Pearl and FF3 might be good bets.
I have

-Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
-Advanced Wars DS
-Pokemon Diamond
-New Super Mario Bros.
-Final Fantasy III
-Professor Layton and the Curious Village
Just a few actually. FFIII, Super Mario Bros., Worms, and Nintendogs. I might play my brother's Revenant Wings sometime later though.

The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglas
Brain Age
Pokemon Pearl
NEW Super Mario Brows
Fina Fantasy III (I'm dying for the remake of the IV! Cecil!! ;3;!)

And i'm still looking for "Hotel Dusk" and "Lost in Blue".
I only emulate a few right now (mostly because newer games are still iffy on current DS emus)...I should probably get more, like those mentioned...but w/e...

Brain Age - I only have this first one. It's kind of nice. If you played any of those WarioWare type games, that's ALMOST what Brain Age is like. Lots of mini games...but Brain Age focuses on memory & concentration. It's neat to see how well you've done via all the graphs & stuff throughout the time you've used the game. "Fun" for all ages.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates - I never played the original CC, but RoF is a pretty fun lil action/adventure RPG w/some unique elements as iffy thing is spellcasting, which is kind of bothersome even emulating, I can't imagine how weird it would be w/a stylus on the actual system...just a lil awkward. Otherwise, it's a nice enough lil handheld RPG to waste time away.

Final Fantasy III
- The original was 8-Bit! I may be wrong, but I think this is the first Square remake that has gone from 2- to 3D. And it's amazing! The Job Class System is always a hit if you ask me and FFIII is no exception. Great expansion on story & character development from the original as well. Don't expect a grandiose story or anything, since the original material WAS so old and it IS a handheld...but still very fun.

Final Fantasy XII: Reventant Wings - I haven't played FFXII, so there are some minor things characters mention that don't make much sense to me, but they normally aren't extremely relevant, or else you can figure out what's happening in RW w/o knowing the exact details of what they're mentioning. Gameplay-wise, it takes elements from the gameplay of XII (I think), but mainly I think it plays as an offshoot of the RTS genre (which is, I believe, SE's first attempt at such). It's fun though and the character development already (I'm not very far in it yet, myself) seems strong to me.

Pokémon: Diamond Version - If you liked any of the previous installments, you'll probably like the Diamon/Pearl generation as well. It takes back the day/night system from the oldschool Gameboy Color Gold/Silver gen, which is kind of nice...The one problem I kind of had was that it still looks like it's basically in the same gen as the GBA games. Not a big graphical boost since last time, but still the same solid gameplay that's remained the series standard.

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Spirit Caller - Yup, that's right, I emulate Yu-Gi-Oh! games...>_< I just like building decks I guess...? It's sort of fun in it's own strange way...If I played either the actual game or the card game I could play other people instead of just the AI! That sounds even neater, right? Right? Ah, go to hell! You're not the boss of me! Bananas!

The World Ends With You - I technically have the ROM of this game, but the current emus don't work w/it...It looks & sounds cool from what I CAN see of the game when I start it (to a certain point things I can't play)...I hope to eventually play it when a new version of the emu comes out...
When I saw the Super Mario 64 game online I almost died!! I want that one so bad! I will probably also get Mario Kart, can't go wrong with Mario lol.

When I bought FF12 I was debating between that and 3, so I guess I will have to pick 3 up too! I saw that Chronicle ones too, I was wondering about it.. I will have to look up some more reviews of that one.

Mitsuki, how is Nintendogs? I've been looking at the Horsez games and stuff and I'm wondering if they are even worth it.
I have a total collection of 4 :wacky:

Final Fantasy III
Pokemon Diamond
Brain Training
Something I can't remember :wacky:

I haven't really used the DS in months so it have no reason to go out and buy any more games to be honest.
If you're after JRPGs then Pokemon Diamond/Pearl as people have said already. Mario & Luigi: Partners in Tme was a good game and worth looking at. Also since the DS can play GBA games then Golden Sun 1+2, Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga and Final Fantasy VI are must-haves.

For platformers then anything with Castlevania (both DS and GBA) are good as well as the Mario Advance titles and the 2 Metroid games for the GBA (one is Fusion the other Zero Mission).
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Ahem, lets see...

-New Super Mario Brothers
-Final Fantasy III
-Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Burning Earth
-Final Fantasy CC: Rings of Fate
-Final Fantasy XII: Reverent Wings
-Harvest Moon Cute
-Lego Star Wars
-Children of Mana
-Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time
-LoZ: The Phantom Hourglass
-Sim City DS
-Mario Party DS
-Professor Layton and the Curious Village
-The World Ends with You

I probably have another one or two I haven't mentioned....I waste too much money on games.
Well, it's got the option to and it's a got a fantastic range of games so why not look at the possibility? Surely you could manage to limit yourself to listing only a few choices.
Hmmm...ok, I'm bored enough to list some GBA games & series...

Riviera: The Promised Land
- Probably one of my favorite newer titles so far. Interesting, unique gameplay. Nice story & great character development. Multiple endings. Definitely a "Must Play" if you ask me. Fav handheld RPG easy, anyways, I think.

Megaman Battle Network
series - Decent RPG series throughout (of 6 games 3 was the only one that bugged me and just because of dungeon layout stuff mostly). Unique battle system that's part action, part SRPG (in that you sort of move around on a grid, anyways), and part card-based (sort basically build a deck, or "folder" of cards, or "chips" that get randomly generated in battle by a certain number and you choose from that's a lot funner than it sounds...). Anyways, great addition to the Megaman franchise & the RPG genre in general...

Megaman: Zero series - If you liked the Megaman X doesn't matter...He's got sort of a bit-part in most of this series...Capcom knows how to do its 2D action/adventure platformy Megaman goodness. Zero is like that really REALLY good Megaman hack you wish was made...only Capcom made it & made it right...and damn if it isn't difficult too! Huzzah!

Advance Wars (1 & 2) - If you're gonna check out the DS ones, you might as well play these two also, right? Great lil, kind of difficult SRPG series based around, well, modern day tactical war...go figure...Ah, SRPGs, you're like the new chess!

Final Fantasy I, II, IV, V, VI, & TA
- Yeah, if you don't know 'em already, you should...there's a newer version of I & II on PSP and IV on DS...and a sequel for TA coming out too (on DS though)...

Fire Emblem & Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones - They don't make SRPGs as awesome & good as this series...unfortunately they've only released, like, a tenth of it in NA...hopefully when the actually get around to remaking the actual first FE on DS they'll realize their mistake...

Shining Force: Ressurrection of the Dark Dragon - A remake of the original Sega Master System/Genesis SRPG...The series definitely takes cues from the Fire Emblem SRPGs, but it's a lil more simplistic...still great though...

Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga - If you like any of the other Mario's another one! Hooray!...?

Phantasy Star Collection
- This is a straight port of the old Sega Master System/Genesis series that really was one of the first console RPGs...the only flaw? No PSIV!!! I think they're remaking them too, actually...Hmm...

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - I forget who here told me about this, but I got it and it's a pretty good lil 2D platformer.

I have a few more, but I felt like just putting up some of the better ones...There's also others I don't have anymore that are good...It's got a lot of good RPGs...
Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon! Don't be ashamed when you go into the checkout line and the little kids are staring at your Pokemon Diamond/Pearl~ It's definitely fun and a great game! Megaman: Star Force and Bleach: The Blade of Fate are awesome both pretty good =)
If you ever watched SM:TV as a younging/schoolie, you had a love for pokémon. It still stands and so you love every game!!!! Whoop!!!!
I use an R4, so I won't bother listing everygame that I have, but I'll hit the ones I enjoy and/or play often
Elite Beat Agents: The reason I bought a DS, and the first DS game I purchased. No praise I can give this game will do it justice. Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2 and Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan are the same deal and also great. I favorite them in pretty much the order I listed them, but it really just comes down to which soundtrack you prefer.

Castlevania (Dawn of Sorrow & Portrait of Ruin): If you've played symphony of the night, then these games don't hold any new surprises for you. Even so they're fantastic games. Some games don't see much change for a reason. In my opinion, Dawn of Sorrow is slightly better than Portrait of Ruin.

Pheonix Wright Series: I'd heard good things about this one, so it was another one of my first purchases. It delivered. It's a text-heavy visual novel type game, so it isn't for everybody. For nerds like me though, it's right up our alley. An ace detective game disguised as an ace attorney game, if you like mysteries you'll probably love it. Great balance of serious storylines with Pheonix Wright's signature brand of humor. I've yet to play Apollo Justice, which features a new protaganist.

Pokemon Diamond&Pearl: You've played pokemon right? No description needed.

Disgaea DS: One of the most fantastic strategy games ever made. Say goodbye to your freetime if you pick this one up, as it will likely eat it all up. Amazing level of customization and a it's wonderful yet dark sense of humor make this game a winner. As an added bonus, the DS version includes a hidden "Etna mode" that allows you to play a game with Etna as the main character.

Final Fantasy Tactics A2 Grimoire of the Rift: While not as good as the original, it's still a great game. A strategy game using Final Fantasy stuff. Lots of stuff to see if you played the original or FFXII. I've never played the first Tactics Advance. A great deal easier than the original, beginners should be able to pick it up with no problem. Uses the job system. Good stuff.

Kirby Super Star Ultra: The classic game with a few extras added in. I was excited to play this game again on the DS. features a few extra games and minigames, including a mode to play through as Metaknight. The only downfall is that they seem to have made the game a deal easier. If you played the game then you realize it was pretty easy to begin with, so the decrease in difficulty is uncalled for. Kirby Squeak Squad is also a good buy.

Mario Hoops 3-on-3: Okay, so this one probably does get old pretty quick so I wouldn't pay too much for it, but it's still a pretty novel and fun game. Has good multiplayer too. As an added bonus you can unlock a white mage, black mage, ninja, moogle, and cactuar as playabe characters.

The World Ends with You: Some people say this game is overrated. It's probably true, but it's a fantastic game that's overrated as one of the best games ever made. You're missing out if you have a DS and haven't bought this game. It's "mingle" mode makes it great for anyone who likes to go to nerd conventions. (you have no idea how many DS users were at AWA.) It's a unique game with memorable characters and an awesome soundtrack. It does have a bit of a learning curve, but it doesn't take too long to get the hang of it and the game certainly eases you into it.

Super Mario 64 DS: Super Mario 64. On a handheld. 'Nuff said.

I'll quit here for now.
Let's see if I can remember all of the NDS games I have... XD

Pokémon Diamond
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team
Super Mario 64 DS
New Super Mario Bros.
WarioWare: Touched!
Tetris DS (never asked for it for any occasions, but have enjoyed it some, but I know you don't like it. :lol:)
Digimon World Dawn
Flash Focus: Vision training in minutes a day
Final Fantasy III

I can pretty much guarantee that I am forgetting something, but I've g2g offline now, sorry but I'll post suggestions for the games I think you may like tomorrow.
Animal Crossing: Wild World
Final Fantasy IV
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
Pokémon Pearl
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness
Mario Kart DS
Super Mario 64

These are the ones I would recommend. I have way, way more, but they're not the best.