What Group do you fall in to?


ღWhite Roséღ ♀
Nov 15, 2008
ღAustraliaღ ღQueenslandღღGold Coastღ
What kind of group do you think you fall in to?

* Are you someone who thinks you fall into a certain category or someone who doesn't like to label themselves as others like to do?

* Some of you might even be labeled by others.

* If so, do you like being known for being in that category?

E.g: Goth, Emo, Popular, Band geek etc.

I myself have only ever seen myself in one group and that was during high school.

The unpopular/loser group.

I never had any confidence, got bullied a lot and was one of the most shy girls in high school. Never did a bad thing in my life kinda girl.

Ever since leaving high school though I don't really label myself at all. I've changed a lot and I fit in with everyone now it seems. I gained the confidence I lacked and became more social through work. You kind of have to be confident when you get a job. =P

I remember the other day when I was talking to my workmate and I was telling him about how I kinda missed high school.

He said, "No way. I was so glad to get out. I got bullied heaps."

I said, "Yeah me too."

He frowned and said, "Nah. You would have been one of the ones who bullied me."

I laughed and said, "If you had of seen me when I was in high school, you wouldn't say that. XD"

Discuss please!
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I'm not sure, I'm regarded as a bit of a nerd at school because I do web design, but I do tons of sport, I write etc. So I'd regard my self as a smattering of lots of groups. I love the emo clothes style so wear that stuff sometimes, plus I have a few emo friends I hang around with. I play tons of sport so In that way I could be a bit of a Jock. I'm fairly confident with people, yet I don't have a huge amount of friends because the sort of people that go to my school get on my nerves (Boarding School).

So I couldn't really categorize myself to much, but If I had to decide I suppose it would be emo, as I love and listen to tons of their music and I like their clothing style, so yeah :)
I think at Secondary school, my group of friends was sorta...in the middle. Not the "popular kids" but certainly not the geeks no one liked. We kinda just had a mix of everyone really. Naturally, we were labeled as the "geeks" by the "popular" kids, but there were loads of other kids who got it far worse than us lot.

It's the same way at college, apart from most of the "popular" ones didn't go to college because they didn't get accepted into it, so there's a lot more freedom for us and whatnot, and as in Secondary School, we just have a wide mix of different kinds of people in our group. It's all good.

So in short...I guess our group would be classed as a hybrid between semi-popular and geek :lol:
I was the same as mark when it came to High school, I wasn't with the so called 'in crowd' but then I didnt want to be because I had my own group of mates who I liked anyway, the same daft bints Ive been out with recently. I did actually get on with everybody though, I was one of those hyperctive ones that'd talk the hind leg off a donkey. Although there were one or two people I clashed with but the one time some girl tried 'bullying' me I suppose you could call it, I just gobbed off back. That was the end of that story

So fuck knows what category I fall into. Il get on with pretty much anyone I will...although...if you're the quiet mature type that likes to sip tea in an afternoon and talk about crochet chances are we'd jhate each other and Id show you up with my big gob, loud laugh and falling over

At work -especially because I was there so long, every fucker knew me. It was quite a small office and there were actually different cliques thre, its funny to see in adults but there were the 'typists' the 'compilers' the technicians etc, but becuase my particular job took me all round the office, I got to natter to everyone - got meself into quite abit of trouble for gassing I might add, every desk I came to Id stop and natter for ages, I actually perfcted the nattering whilst pretendiong to search for a file ....:wacky:

I certainly wouldnt class myself as an emo or a goth or whatever, I have different tastes in music to all my mates and some of the clothes I wear raise afew eyebrows, but that's just me, Ive never been normal, and I plan on staying that way :wacky:
I dont know. I think british schools are a lot different than ones over seas, so its hard to say. My school wasnt huge there was only around 900 people in it, i went to 2 primary schools so i knew the majority of people in my year. There were always noticible divides though. My school was in an area called kincorth, not the nicest of areas but it was ok. There were kids who came from a place called cove, bigger houses and usually rich families. Folk from here didnt like people from cove and generally they would start trouble at any given chance. Cove people stuck together in school regardless of whether one was labelled as a geek or more popular, probadly to avoid trouble.
I pretty much spoke to everyone in my year bar some of the more snottier people and a few of the trouble starters, i didnt have time nor want to make time for people like that. I guess i just came somewhere in the middle really. I wasnt the guy everyone wanted to be around but i was never bullied or picked onm i was just there watching everything else happening.
The funny thing is now that schools all over whenever im out on a night out or anything the people who i only often spoke to at school always come up and chat with me, same goes with me speaking to them. I think most of them have realised that the silly groups you fall into in school no longer apply when your in the working world. I work with 3 boys who i went to school with 1 of them i hated with a passion because he was always starting trouble, mouthing off etc, now i go out with him on the piss every weekend :lol: hes tottaly different from what he was back then.
When I was on high school, the "popular group" used to make fun of the group I was part of. We were labeled the nerds because we played RPG and talked about anime and games in general. ^^' I'd say they used to call us names because they envied the fact that we got better grades on tests and they didn't. :wacky: I never had a problem being called nerd and I always liked to have this kind of life than the kind of life the "popular group" had. I noticed my group always had a better interaction and more unity than the other groups; the popular girls always fight over who would kiss that hot guy in that big party they would throw in someone's house and there would aaaalways be a fight the next day: "OMG how could you even DO this to me we were BFFs and now I don't wanna talk to you evur evur EVUR!". I was good in sports also, so at least during P.E. the girls would actually talk to me XD
I think because I hated sport and loved computers was a major factor in my being called a loser. >_< Very competitive school I was in when it came to sport.

These days I see the so called 'popular' girls either impregnated or just in a dead-end job because they were 'too cool for school' and denied themselves education. There were the random popular chicks who were decent though and made something of themselves but that was like two out of twenty. XD

I think that the popular group thought that we thought we were better then them. That was another reason we got bullied a lot. <_<
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I'm a nothing... I'm a me. A Dan Hume, an Argor... I don't fit myself into any other category.

I've been lucky in that I never found the need to fit in to a single type of people and conform to them. I like what I like because I think it is awesome, not because the people around me think it is as well.

I don't like labelling myself as that instantly narrows everything down and you end up having to adopt a particular image, listen to a certain type of music, like/dislike a certain type of people.. Which is just not the way to go about the world. Better to keep an open mind and be who you are as indisivuals I say.

That said the type of music I like is mostly Goth at the moment, and some rock, but I would not call myself either a Goth or a Rocker. I don't dress like a Goth or a Rocker most of the time, I don't particularly have a style of dress althought I might adopt Goth styles at some point because they look awesome and I might go to see more Goth bands live and wear it then...

As far as popularity goes I have never been popular. That said its been a while since I've been bullied also. I've just silently sat and watched the world and my life pass before me and the people I know just go about talking to each other and not talk to me much. It's affecting me now as I don't know how to talk anymore :D. But yeah I'm more of an observer of people than talkative, though there is a lot in me I feel the need to say I never say it as when someone talks my mind blocks and the friend I CAN talk to never shut up about themselves. So I'm never gonna be "popular", I WILL remain a "loser" forever, so I guess I could fit myself into unpopular category if it came to it though it is a completely different kind of category than "Goth", "Rocker" etc as there can be both popular and unpopular people in both of those (though for Goth mostly the unpopular).
In my first few years at high school my group of friends and I got called 'geeks' a lot by the annoying bimbo ones who thought they were better than everyone else, you know, the kind who claimed to be having sex when they were 12 and made fun of anybody who did well in school, or just wasn't one of them. But then, my group of friends were all really great people and we got on with lots of people too, we weren't exactly the social retards of our year. By the time the annoying ones left school though to have babies and catch STIs or whatever it is they do with themselves, all the labelling stopped and everybody in the year just kind of gets on with each other now.

As for myself, I don't think I really fit into any kind of stereotype. My family is always calling me a weird hippie and my friends sometimes say that the stereotype I'd most fit into would be bohemian, but it's just a little bit and not exactly strong enough for me to label myself as one.

It'll be interesting to see how I fit in at uni though... The university I'm going to is full of rich English kids who wear barbour coats and drink Pimm's, and my sister said that nearly everyone in the science faculty looks like a social retard. >_>
I have never labeled myself,and I still don't.

But in school,I was more of the outsider along with a few of the people I was friends with. To think back,we weren't very good friends to each other. But we did stick around with each other and made school more bearable. We did get made fun of,but alot of that came from my cousin and her friends. Me and her were always fighting at the house,but she would bring some of that meanness to school. She was pretty horrible back then. I now wish I would of stood up for myself.

As far as out of school goes,when I used to work at Gamestop I had people ask me if I was goth. I've always wondered why they would think that I was goth. My husband said it's because of my long black hair. I don't know. I don't think it's the way I dress since at Gamestop we did have a dresscode. I do own some things people would probably describe as goth but I own alot of other outfits people would probably describe as other things too. I like wearing a wide varity of clothes.

But I have a good many friends now. We don't hang around with each other as much as we would like since most of us have children and such responsibilites. But Im no longer like I was in high school,although Im still alot like I was in some ways. I don't let people push me around or anyone else for that matter. Im more confident then I was then but I still don't have alot of confidence.

So yeah,I don't view myself as a part of any particular label. I am me.
I don't label myself at all. But almost everyone at my school labels me as "emo" since I'm always quiet and I always look seriously depressed. I admit that I do have slight depression problems but I do know how to control them though.

I actually have a lot of friends that act the same way as me too.
... It keeps on changing..

At first was the loner looser geek with no friends.. and was in the looser tag.

Then guess was apart of a huge group of mixtures. Some were loners and geeks while some were the sporty ones, and a couple of Class Clowns XD

Then at random became the Class Clown and just made anybody laugh. Even the Teacher fell onto the floor in laughter...

But last year after a bad year, just became the Shy loner and guess back into the looser/unpopular group..

But really enjoy being apart of this looser/unpopular group. They love Final Fantasy and anime, and that's the best feeling in the world.... n___n

Though last year would of been classified as a Emo..
but guess still wear black clothing and the sort, so guess still would be a Emo..

But that's changing too...
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I can't really think of a label for myself. In high school I never felt restricted as to who I could talk to or how hard I wanted to work.

When I talk with friends who went to different high schools it usually seems like bullying wasn't as big of an issue in my school in comparison to other high schools in my area. The friends I hung out with in high school were quite diverse really, there were the athletic socialites and the more quiet studying types. I'm not saying that there weren't any dickheads in my school, but my high school experience was (relatively) peaceful.

As for what I label myself as nowadays, I dunno. My style of clothes aren't really goth or emo, nor are they baggy or sporty. Some of them are sort of expensive, but I don't buy new clothes very often. I'm not that big a fan of emo or hip hop music, but I do listen to that sort of stuff from time to time. As for my personality; I am quite introverted, but I still enjoy talking to people. I can be kind of shy when I am in a social situation, but I don't really get stage fright when I have to perform/present something.

So I don't know if I fit into any particular label, it'd probably be easier for someone else to label me as opposed to me trying to label myself.
I don't honestly think I fit in a group, unless if there was a group called "the quiet" <_< I barely talk irl and I prefer to keep it that way, it's better, I don't want to make new friends or anything and I'm afraid to hurt someone if I was close to him.

However, the last year I think the dudes put me in the "nerds" category <_< though not because how I look or whatever, they just put me there because I got high grades at the end of the year. <_<

Categories are just another way of taking peoples apart D: if I want to talk to someone then I will, I don't give a fuck who you are, you're not better then me in anything, you're just the same. =\
If there's a label for me, I guess it's 'lame joker', just for those 'lame jokes' i crack. I can't really understand why they would do that though, a joke's a joke. What's more to it? But whatever, the stereotype here is not that intense to the extent i feel uncomfortable, so there's no problem for me, with it.

Other than that, there's no particular group stereotypes though, other than the 'arrogant' class, which is understandable too, happening the best class in the level.

Still, it's kind of wrong to label them all as 'arrogant geeks', considering I know some great friends in there.. And they don't happen to be that arrogant... Though now that I think about it, they are, sometimes.
Probably no group, I don't even think we have groups in our college, everyone has their own groups of friends and basically stay with them so groups don't really occur, sure you get certain groups of people who do odd stuff but that's just who they are, I personally hate to group people because as Kei said, all it is-is a way of taking people apart >.>
I'm with the "punks" which are also known as trouble makers. We were composed of six people who likes reading manga (even the erotic ones), playing MMORPGs, creating music (heavy metal, post hardcore and a little bit of punk), sports (most of them are either soccer, martial arts or extreme sports like skateboarding and rollerblades) and annoying people. We're not famous, yet we aren't considered geeks too. We do talk to other people even though they're geeks, loners, emo, goths and the like. We like pulling pranks on others (especially the teachers) and no one has ever caught us! But all of us have the same weakness which is having a hard time relating to other people that we don't know. Without them, I'm just your average loner xD
We don't really have 'cliques' or 'groups' at my school. Just several bunches of friends. Although if it comes down to how we're seen, I guess we're the popular group, but the nice ones. Who like tracksuit pants. Whoo. :]