What Group do you fall in to?

I'm in the... multi-group! I hang around with like, a wide range of people. We're kinda just, those kids. But we're a big group lol.
Blegh. I hate labelers... But... About myself, *Thinks*

I dunno if I fit into any of the groups... I mean... I'm a weird kid, always have been.

I'm crazy about singing and playing guitar, and I would only do this in my free time, so if people ask me to go out with them to somewhere I say no. I hate to go out to clubs =/ or parties. I'm not a party-girl at all.

I'm always looking after everyone... =/ I think that's a bad habit, even if my mom leaves I tell her to be carefull. I'm not sure why I do that.

I'm more into the punk rock music, but I don't fit in the Gothic group, cause I just think that's a bit too much leather, and just plain bullshit, same goes for "Gangsters" and "Punks" >_<

I love writing, and have the patience to sit down and write lyrics, but I'm also so fucking hyper. =/

I was the gym-class lover in school, but never really liked school. So... =/

I don't know what I am, besides very confusing. >_< I think I get along pretty decently with most people, and am easy going? So... I'm ranting.

Will shut up now.

True Story

I was a big trouble maker. I was also really liked because of it. When I first moved to my town I was a nerd. The moment that I got the chance though I was using spit balls not doing home work etc. What striked me as wierd is that the more I got in trouble the more my peers liked me. They would take my side if a teacher was messing with me. They would even congratulate me on keeping them entertained.

Anyways I started the neutral group where it didn't matter if you were a prep skater or grit. Peace and love type stuff. now and days I'm still a big fan of grey area. I think... well I know if we all met each other half way the world would be a better place. I learned that in school. I dress in all grey and so what ever you'd call me go ahead. comments are funny.
Well to be honest in high school I was unpopular but alot of girls liked me cause I was rich. Although I have different tastes for music I dont wear goth clothes or paint my nails. I guess I was the rich type but unpopular. Sure there was alot of Sex talk. I just was Quiet. Is it even fun to be popular? Likewise who gives really?
i dont fit into any groups coz i liked everyone and everyone liked me so yeah. but in my old school i was bullied there...D:
I don't even fit into a specific category. When I was in high school, my group of friends consisted of all kinds: stoners, geeks, jocks, goths. etc. etc. I've always been into art and was pretty spastic at the time.. they thought I was a stoner for daydreaming a lot, which is not the case at all.

I guess if you want to put me in a category, it'd have to be geeks. I mean.. who else would spend time on a Final Fantasy forum, right? :p
I am a variable above all things so to speak. When I entered Middle School I was a pretty talkative popular fellow, but I had bit of family death right off the bat which spun my world a bit towards the outer edge. I am not one to become emotional above all things about "a person dying", but it opened me up to thinking others might have had it rough as me, or rougher.

I went quiet so to speak around this time and floated from group to group as I played all the sports I could fill my time with. I was in the jock category, but then I stopped wanting to feel obligated to hang out with the same fake fellows every Friday or Saturday night. I then hung out with my original crew, but due to a rare circumstance of my best friend taking my email account and death-threating a few teachers with it, well I floated to the next group.

Honestly if I was labeled, I would give myself " A Cloud " - I just wandered this way and that hanging out with random people one day, and random the next.. it wasn't until end of junior year or whatever that I associated myself with a permanent group of fellows. We did everything together from going to Memphis in May to countless concerts to hanging at my buddies apartment (he went to a local college) and ran into the same group of ladies quite often.

I was never really picked on, although we had nick names often time due to sports. I remember having an embarrassing one given to me freshmen year when playing soccer. A corner kick was kicked, and a dude kicked my legs out from under me and the ball hit me right in the nuts. I instantly went down and crawled to the sidelines.. my buds called me "mr ed", you can figure it out. It didn't last to long, but it was a story to tell. The girlfriend at the time didn't like it, but hell I didn't fight it, it is still funny to look back on.

I was a jock at one point, a meat head at another, then a tracky at another, then always hung out with the bad crowd on the weekends.. so you be the judge. I also had quite a bit of social anxiety, it wasn't recognizable, but when spoken too my shiznit went blank every now and again resulting in a loss for words. It was a TERRIBLE effin condition, which I would not wish on anyone who had a spurt of family deaths.. so these days I'm very wide open socially (cough as you can tell)
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I was pretty much a 'Drifter' when at school. Neither cool or a loser... Or perhaps I was labelled a 'Geek' as well. To many peoples disbelief I actually studied in the Common Room when we were assigned a study period.
But I always made sure I was in the background if you know what I mean. If people got upset they would come to me.. On whichever side they were on.

So maybe I was... a... "Drifter Geek"...
Now I don't know. Just on a gap year living my own life! Living label free while it lasts ~^ Oh yeah... Hakuna Matata =^^=
Don't really "label" myself so much; I have no boundries with fashion, and mix and match styles; my favorite styles I'd say are gothic lolita, bohemian sometimes, and punk. I listen to varied music, from 80s pop to heavy rock, etc. But have a punk rock attitude towards a lot of shit. I think the kids label me as a "strange" kid, kind of into a lot of things and a little introverted but outspoken at the same time, or maybe a little geeky, as an "art & choir kid," since I spend a lot of time after school in the art/ceramics room and sing school solos. Kinda drifterish. Overall, the kids are pretty okay in my school though, better than most schools, I think.
I dont label myself, but I have been labelled in the past. Goth, emo, mosher, even chav at one point when I was having a bad day. I do get labelled by strangers now, which is frustrating cause you end up bollocking them for thinking you are like the rest. People saying "Youre kind" and"We know youre sort!" What the hell, stop it. Im me, an indivdual and thats the way I am!
I was definitely a loser, and kind of think I still am. In high school, I was extremely shy, not only because I lacked confidence but because I was extremely depressed. And because I was depressed, I didn't feel like making friends and as a result my lack of friends only contributed to my depression, so overall it was just one vicious cycle.

Ever since I graduated high school, I feel a lot more confident in myself. Guys never really paid attention to me in high school, but for some reason they think I'm hot now. My depression is still something I suffer from, but I don't think it hinders my life quite a bit. However, I still feel I don't have very many close friends and there are few people I feel know who I truly am. So, I still consider myself a bit of a loner.
well in years 7-10 i was a bit of a loser, got bullied quite abit, but was still fairly popular... but then when i moved schools at the beggining of year 10, i cbf with people treating me like it, and got in tight with a "cool" group earlie on, and slowley grew to be the most popular of all them, and once i had that "status" and was friends with EVERYONE in the year, which took about 2-3 weeks, i decided that it was time to make friends with people i was more like, so i started hanging round with my little group of friends, who where know by the school as the stoners,, people would walk past and not say howz you liam, or chris ect, it would be "so howz the stoners today", even the teachers called me smokey or the toker xD.. but i hate being labled in classes of emo, goth,. chav, etc coz i dress how i feel comfy, which is in chavvykinda clothes but i would call myself more alternative coz i love piercings and tattoos, and just being diffrent in general

if i can find my signed school shirt, ill post a pic, everthing on its like cya toker, ect one of the teachers wrote, "Liam, you know ill sort you out, £130 for a ounce of knowlage, £100 for you ;)"
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520 Ink: that is a very interesting story you have.. most people don't "ascend" socially like you did :eek:

I, myself, am still in highschool (of course) and mostly everyone calls me emo, or the "smart one". emo is what those who don't really know my call me (my style of dressing and my side swept bangs), but "smart one" or anything akin to being smart and pedantic is what people who know me (as little as having me in their class) call me.. and that goes with reason. I carried that "legacy" from junior high, where teachers loved me for my vocabulary.

but of course, no one likes to label themselves. I am Dorothy and that is all I am.
I'm a highschool student myself ('bout to be a Junior after summer vacation) and yes I do get labeled often. Anyway, I switched schools about a year ago, but either way my status is the same. To them, I'm the type of person people tend to think of as an anti-social loner who's rather hard to talk to (which is true to a certain level). I'm not very tall, but I can come across as rather intimidating, so even though people would occasionally say 'hi', they all seem rather uncomfortable and try to keep their distance. I don't see what the problem is, but the few friends that I do have say it's 'cause I narrow my eyes a lot, even when I don't mean to. Also, my bangs are pretty long and sometimes covers my face, so I think that just adds to the whole image. I can't help it, it's how I look like. I think I'm nice enough, everyone else just thinks I'm a weird loner.