What happens when you die?

Very true Lucifer, and it has strong scientific backup. I think its great that our brains make it easyon us when we are about to kick the bucket.
LOL. It's kind of one of those thing that you think about & just want to go "D'awww, that's sweet". :P
I think our spirits wander a different plane of the Earth when we die. I very much am a believer in the supernatural beings that may wander this Earth. Our eyes can only view a small portion of the color spectrum. I believe they exist on wavelength that our eyes cannot see. However, maybe once in a while we can see the electrical energy given off by these beings whenever they are in a heightened state of emotion. That's why some people claim that they see ghosts. I worked as a mechanic at one of the bowling alleys in my city, and I heard that the place was haunted by two ghosts. One of my bosses claimed that when he was locking the place up, and as he was about to walk out the door he was looking around to make sure everything was in order, and he saw an apparition in the door to the pro shop waving good-bye. I don't really know if this story is true, but I kinda believe him. Here is my story. I was about 19 years old, and I was at my girlfriend's house. We were laying on the bed (not doing anything) except resting. It was just us in the house. She was asleep; I was trying to get there. All of a sudden I heard a little girl whisper, "SSHHH, THEY'RE COMING." The sound came from the opposite side from where my girlfriend was laying. I opened my eyes and looked at my girlfriend and said, "What?" She didn't answer. Then the hair on the back of my neck started to raise as I started to get a little freaked out. I woke her up and told her what had just happened. Then I went to look out of the front window and saw her Mom and her mom's fiance driving into the driveway. My girlfriend then told me some stories of why she thinks her house was haunted. I have a few more reasons why I think ghosts are real, but I'll save them for a later post.
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Comedian, Dane Cook talks about life after death.
Warning: contains bad language.
I'm an athiest too, but I still thought this was funny as hell.

-Anyway, after I die, I would like to be buried in the ground so that my body will decompose and sort of becomes part of the earth. In the case of my soul, I would like to say maybe reincarnation, but the obvious answer is: I just don't know.
When I die, the first thing I'm going to do is have a Guinness, a cigar, and some Burger King. Then I'm going to fire up Final Fantasy VII and just play it until the end of time. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
When I die, the first thing I'm going to do is have a Guinness, a cigar, and some Burger King. Then I'm going to fire up Final Fantasy VII and just play it until the end of time. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

This is for a serious discussion. Basically asking what do you believe happens when you die. Not what will you do.
I strongly believe that nothing happens when you die. No afterlife just nothingness.
Wow, an interesting question... I don't really believe anything. I just have my theories.

Theory number 1: If there is a heaven/hell, I believe it's the same place. What varies is the state of mind. God is forgiving, right, so I don't believe he'd condemn anyone to eternal damnation. I think hell is more a state of mind. What is my reasoning behind this?

Well, a few years ago I heard of a story in the Bible where heaven and hell are seen. In heaven, and hell, the dinner table contains long forks. No one is able to feed themselves, for the forks reach beyond their mouths.
In heaven, the people feed one another and help one another to eat. They share their food and one person holds the fork of their friend as their friend eats. By doing this, the food can reach their mouths.
In hell, the people refuse to help one another. They try to feed themselves, but cannot because the forks are too long.
Same rules, same situation, same forks.
Different attitudes, different manners, different outcomes.
Those in hell starved eternally. Those in heaven remained nourished.

Theory number 2: Okay, so there are many religions, right? And all of them have proof... So WHY can't they all be true? Why can't some go to heaven/hell, others back to Gaia. Why can't those who believe in reincarnation be reincarnated?

"How come we're meant to see all our loved ones in heaven? Our friends believe different things from us. Surely that means that, if the theory is true, they won't be there. But I believe they will be."

Okay, maybe death is a state of mind/spirit. Maybe none of us are really in one place. When we die, our spirit moves on to the state of being we believe in. Buddhists believe that everything is an illusion. I do not believe that is true in life, but perhaps in death it is.