What have you learned from FF?


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Jun 26, 2008
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We all play Final Fantasy for fun here, and enjoy it in that way, but has anyone ever taken anything more from it?

Advice for life events? How to cope?
Learned a new word?
Acquired knowledge about something?

Post it here if anything comes to mind.
I've learnt a little bit of history and mythology from playing Final Fantasy. Sometimes when I'm bored I look up what some of the names of characters/summons/weapons mean and learn some pretty interesting stuff.
Moved to FFFun

Only thing I can say I've learned is a bit about Mythology as said above...but I already knew bits and peices anyway becasue it wa something I always was interested in school
I learned how to play an RPG game. That to me is a big impact because I love RPG games. :wacky:
I learned to do my homework before playing. Cause its addictive as hell.

And of course it greatly improved my English. And now I'm hoping it'll greatly improve my Japanese.
That comprising a group of random people saves the world in one way or another?
Well, I always loved this language, but when I was 11 a frien of my brother lent us FFVII in English, and I was forced to play with a dictionary kept near all the time :D but I learnt a lot of new words, so it was very useful!
Many great stuff:

1. Lots of stuff between Human relations and scenarios, wich i absolutely ADORE.
2. Searching, fighting, not giving up on your goal. And no i'm not talking about the in-game characters only, but also YOU the player who has to win Bosses, pass Dungeons, solve Puzzles and stuff!

And i could go on and on and on...
I just don't have the time for that now :gasp:
I learnt that you need a minimum 6666 Hp to get to 9999 with an item that has Hp + 50% I also know now that most shops do not sell swords as these games would have you believe.

oh I also learnt that no matter how big a thunder storm is Bahamut will not show up to take for a ride to destroy a fleet of Star Destroyers that are in orbit around earth....lol.... thats just a dream I had when I was 16 and deliriouse with fever......heh heh