What if it never happend?

rinoa would use her new six-pack to win strongest woman in the world award XD and Adel would have been a lot more bearable than rinoa.

What if Edea never go possessed?
Keep it going

Edea never gets possessed?
*Thinks for a minute*
Well, first of all, the parade would have never been and we would have lost a great song (Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec).
Second, SeeD would be out of a job unless Adel somehow got freed or Rinoa got powers somehow. (Unlikely in either aspect)
Third, and I think foremost, there never would have been the big break between Seifer and Squall. They would have just been rivals for the rest of their lives, always fighting over the same girl.

Of course, that's if you really take it in the context of the story. I personally think that Cid and Edea would have eventually come to blows. She takes Galbadia and he takes Balamb, and they have a nice little WWIII between the two schools. All over which side of the plate the little fork is supposed to go on. :D

Alright, for mine. What if Squall had actually been able to summon Griever himself?
then rinoa would be all nice and then seed would come along and rinoa woulkd blow the crap out of them and seifer and squall would team and help rinoa destroy the earth adel gets forgotten heh what if selphie was adel and there was a third squall\seifer person

sorry i was confused with the page two finishing post the adel\rinoa one now seifer would scream like a girl when he saw it and squall would take over the earth and have belly-dancers entertain him during the day and at night rinoa would... i got carried away
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What if Squall could not safe Rinoa during the space incident and she died?

Well...Squall would have spent a few days crying like a little emo! Then Ultimecia would have used her powers to possess Adel, Zell and the rest of the group would have taken down Seifer and Adel!

And that would actually be the end as there was no sorceress left and everyone would have been happy!:)
*grins* I like that. I actually like to think that she'd steal angelo, use invincible moon, then steal the Lionheart combo.

And we all know what that leads to....

SeeD Sushi......
What if Seifer was a flaming homosexual and really just wanted Squall to love him? Yea....top that.

What if the ice crystal thing actually killed Squall? ;D
For the first one, it would sure answer why he was always wanting to 'top' Squall......

As for the second, two words. Short Game.

But to keep the thread going, I'll bite. Zell takes over and finally gets a backbone against Seifer. He turns into something just this side of a dang super saiyan (I mean, give me a break with the haircut...).

About halfway through the third disc, Zell is dragging Rinoa through Esthar when Squall shows up. Laguna was out joy-riding in one of their new stealth cars, found Squall's would be gravediggers, and blasts them both. He then takes the kid back to Esthar and uses their tech to resurrect him...

Alright, What if Squall had won the intro fight?
This is confuzling lol what if squall was a dream? lol been there done tht eh

If Squall was a dream then Rinoa would have ended up crying like a little sissy and would have ended up with Seifer because she dated him in the past but still didn´t get into his pants!

And what do you say about this one....

What would have happened if Squall accepted Quistis offer back at the secret area and they started dating?
You need to answer the question posed by the last post.

For the Quistis question.....I think that the whole story would have played out the same, but Rinoa and Quistis would have definitely come to blows. And Zell becomes Rinoa's Knight. Now that'd be a stretch....
What would happened if Rinoa WAS Ultimecia?

Then the game would not make any sense and the time compression story would be completely pathetic and everybody except the guys down at the ultimania sector who have all those wacky theories would be happy!

What if instead of absorving Rinoa Adel absorved Seifer instead?:blink:
Adel would'nt have any power and Squall & company would've kicked her ass faster.

What if Adel was squall's mother?