What if Rinoa was your girlfriend?

she talks to much i hate people who talk to much unless there pretty than they can talk to me all night but rinoa wasnt pretty yuna was
Hmm now that you mention it....Rinoa can be annoying sometimes, but hey! Squall thought the same thing when he was with Rinoa at the beginning....
If Rinoa was my girlfriend I would probably try Maddox's method when it comes to breaking up with someone:

Headbutt the sidewalk:

Manliness: 10Style: 3Awesomeness: 10Mess: 4
What you need: a sidewalk.

How to do it:
Step 1: Slam your head into the sidewalk.​

Step 2: Repeat.​
Headbutting is probably the manliest thing ever. Not only is it useful for suicide, it's also a great way to break up with your girlfriend. For example, I couldn't find the words to tell my ex that our relationship was over, so one day while we were watching TV I headbutt her in the tits. Then I picked up my jacket and left. No awkward goodbyes, no "still friends" bullshit. Just a couple of bruised titties and a failed relationship. I rule.

I think that says enough.
Wow. I found her really annoying and way too cheerful. I'm okay with optimists, but she was a little too happy. That and she acts like she's 13.

I would prefer Quistis. She's sexier and way more mature. And you just know she's a bondage queen in the bedroom! ^_~
Whoever said she plays hard to get is living in the dream world. Rinoa practically climbs on him from the moment they meet (while simultaneously forgetting that previous Seifer crush. Oops?).

Quistis does the same thing, just more subtly.

Most guys could only dream of having some random hot chick pounce us with that "I will have you" attitude ONCE in a lifetime, let alone every few days by different hot chicks.
In truth, I wouldn't really want her as my girlfriend to begin with. She wasn't a character that particularly stuck with me (nor did most if not all the characters in FF8). What set me off to think that she was shallow was the line, "You're the cutest guy here." "YOU-WILL-LIKE-ME. YOU WILL LIKE ME!" or something like that. It just... yeah, it was playful, but it was also pretty shallow. Other times though she was alright, but she never wowed me with her so-called beauty. She looked weird to me when I played, even in the FMVs, and on a shallow note, I never thought she was pretty. (wow, I have such high expectations) But based purely on the way she acts alone, I don't think I'd have her as a girlfriend. Girls (Guys) that act like her aren't my type. So annoying!

I'd rather have Quistis. Atleast she'd be mature enough.

Or how about no FF8 female. Is that an acceptable answer?
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I wouldn't date Rinoa, if I was male. Actually, yes. I would date her, then abuse* her, because she was frighteningly annoying. Edea, Quistis, Xu, hell, Ellone even...just not Rinoa.

*abuse: (see bludgeon and baseball bat)
I would have fun in the back.^_^
But seriously, this topic is somewhat odd. I think it should be called:
"What would you do to Rinoa if she was your girlfriend"
That would make more sense.
for god sake she's funny and cool and beuti I hink u all jelous(talking to the females)!!