What if Sephiroth found out Lucrecia was his real mother and not Jenova?


Nov 16, 2008
Moscow, Russia
This has pondered me ever since a played FFVII DOC I always thought what if Sephy found out that Lucrecia was his real mother and not Jenova after been told Jenova was would he still be insane or would he stop trying to destory the world and be nice little Sephy like he was in Crisis Core.
I neve runderstood why they told him Jenova was his mother in the first place, I mean she wasn't really was she? he was injected with her cells, but it wasn't her who MADE HIM, he was just enhanced by her. Hojo's screwed up in the head, I 'l bet it was his doing

Anyway, had he not know, he'd prob just have been a regular guy, just a hell of a lot stronger, he might have flipped when he found out he was an experiment though - just I suspect not to the extent he did

But then, there wouldn't be a story so...
Yeah true I think that Hojo when he was about four or younger probably told him that Jenova is his mother and died after he was born.I still think there would be still a story but Sephiroth being on Cloud's team maybe and stuff.
It wouldn't really affect anything, its his jenova cells that make him Jenova's son, so the cells would still drive him to do what she wanted and continue her legacy. But I don't think he woulda destroyed Niblehiem if he had known -_-
i think he would have still been nuts lol, even with the correct knowledge that lucrecia was his mother but i think he may of even searched for her to kill her because of his ties with her..
Story is what made FF7

Nah he would just have Vincent as a step dad and he would be a short haired nerd. Trthfully though it would be different in the story but the main plot wuld have to be the same. Its not like the creator of ff7 would have a completly different story. The plot was probally what he started out with. Its not like they just created people with personal AI and thats what made the ff7 world. He must of just thought it would make more of a twist for people if he made it like he did.
granted, the game came out in '97 (i think, correct me if i'm wrong) so some of this technology might not have existed (i'm not sure, i was 9 at the time and don't feel like digging through my bio notes) but humor me for a sec...

hojo, being the devious scientist that he is, might have injected his wife's womb with jenova's cells. now, we don't know what type of organism jenova really is, but from what is discerned from the story it seems like she's at least the only one of her kind. anyways, hojo could have done a variety of things. he could have taken his cells, (or any human's) and spliced the DNA with jenova's cells. they do that kind of stuff in DNA replication all the time. in the simplest sense, you take a strand of DNA, take out a segment using an enzyme of sorts and plug in the new DNA. anyways, sephiroth (god i hate the nickname sephy) doesn't necessarily have to be lucrecia's child at all. in fact, it could be that he was genetically engineered using hojo's and jenova's cells, and the hybrid cells were placed in lucrecia's womb.

as far as an asexual theory goes, i think that can be ruled out what with sephiroth being a man and not another "calamity from the sky" like jenova. speaking of which, what is jenova's true form? i think i'll spend some time at ffwiki...

also, yes or no, were there other soldiers infused with jenova's cells, or were they just subject to mako? (my memory is fuzzy...i'm planning on replaying VII soon...)

EDIT: ah crap, i forgot to answer/reference the question...no i don't think he'd stop trying to end the world or whatever.
Sephiroth 'flipped' because he concluded that he was an experiment, not because of whose son he was. He felt the same as Jenova in the sense of being different, superior even, and so used that as a means to an end. Lucrecia's intervention [if only in name] would probably be irrelevant, if not even worsen his loathe to being 'constructed' for experimental purposes.
I think it could have gone several different ways. Whatever happened he would have been one messed up dude. The call of the Jenova cells is strong, perhaps stronger in him than Cloud as Sephy was born with them and Cloud wasn't. So it may have played out just the same. He might not have been able to resist. I'd like to think he had the strength to resist initially but just didn't as he resented how he came into the world and wanted to destroy a world in which a small child could so be abused.
I really dont get why they ever told him his mother was Jenova I mean like they look nothing in common sure he was injected with her cells but still

So i guess if he did find out that his mother was Lucrecia most likely he would find that Hojo actually drove her to suicide so maybe he would kill Hojo XD that's what I think
Hojo is just plain fucked up anyway, what father would try do experiments on his child ??? What prove is there that he slept with Lucrecia and not vincent?
For all we know vincent could have been the father of sephiroth, given the amount of time they spent together and how close they got..... makes you think....
Might explain why Vincent was so protective.
Again too many loop holes in this damn FF7 franchise, but aside from ranting let me try to add to the post.

If they never created DoC I think a lot less confusion would have been involved. I mean don't get me wrong it was fun for me, and I know a lot of people had problems with it, but they still played it to play it.

So with Sephiroth I honestly don't know what would have happened. I mean he literally went from being a Hero to becoming out of his mind within a few minutes. I don't think Lucrecia could of subdued his sanity to be honest. I mean look what happened to Aerith, he thought it was his damn mission
to kill one of the last Cetras.
I think he would of killed Lucrecia too if he had the chance, he just seemed out his mind.

I mean he took it upon himself to become a god in his own mind. Here's how I can relate him as. It's like giving a Captain or General in the Army/Navy a permanate high on heroine, when they have never touched a drug in their life. The Cells of Jenova were like heroine, except more constructive to his cause. It didn't leave him immobilized but it left him with little to no logic. He was INSANE!
Sephiroth 'flipped' because he concluded that he was an experiment, not because of whose son he was. He felt the same as Jenova in the sense of being different, superior even, and so used that as a means to an end. Lucrecia's intervention [if only in name] would probably be irrelevant, if not even worsen his loathe to being 'constructed' for experimental purposes.

Yea, my thoughts exactly. The only other thing I was thinking is that, we don't honestly know what Sephiroth knew and did not know. Honestly, Lucrecia was as much his mother as Jenova. however, if you're trying to intimidate someone (IE - Cloud and crew) who would you reference as your mother? Destroyer of worlds or kinda sleezy scientist?

I guess what I'm saying is, I'm not so sure he didn't know his birthmother was Lucrecia. Surely he wasn't stupid enough to think that Jenova, a creature disected and "dead" for centuries, actually pushed him out her puss. He must have known there was a serrogate mother. My guess is he just didn't care for Saix's reason's above.
Was there anything in FFVII that said that Lucrecia was Sephiroth's biological mother? I could've been possible that she was just a surrogate for baby Sephiroth to develop in. Though I guess that would only be possible if Jenova had eggs to use for the surrogacy.

That's how I thought about it anyways >_>
Was there anything in FFVII that said that Lucrecia was Sephiroth's biological mother? I could've been possible that she was just a surrogate for baby Sephiroth to develop in. Though I guess that would only be possible if Jenova had eggs to use for the surrogacy.

That's how I thought about it anyways >_>

Hojo: "Ha, ha, ha... I offered the woman with my child to Professor Gast's Jenova Project. When Sephiroth was still in the womb, we took the cells of Jenova... HA, HA, HA!!"

He offered the woman with his child, meaning Lucrecia was pregnant prior to being offered as a subject for the Jenova project. Hojo may have planned to do this from the start (and probably did), but even so...

So really they just injected Jenova cells into the womb of an ordinary woman carrying an ordinary child.
Angeal and Genesis from Crisis Core went through a similar treatment.

I'd quote from Crisis Core, but it seems nobody has the official english script online, only translations. >_<

Anyway, I hope what I did post helps you out.
Yeah, Sephiroth is the child of Hojo and Lucrecia, he was the father and she was his biological mother. When Sephiroth was still just a fetus he was injected with Jenova cells, turning him into the perfect human/Jenova hybrid.

Angeal and Genesis had procedures that were similar, but a bit different.
Gillian was injected with Jenova cells, and then her cells were placed into Genesis(who was the child of Banora's mayor and his wife) when he was a fetus, so he got Jenova's traits second hand. Angeal was created by Hollander impregnating Gillian, so Angeal's Jenova matter was more pure, but still not as good as Sephiroth's.
Lucrecia never died. she tried to but failed because the Jenova Cells in her wouldint allow her too. (im pulling this from the original FF7) and she hid in a waterfall that could only be accessed by the submarine. Sephiroth was normal at the start but soon after reading Prof. Gast's reports (dunno if i spelt the name right) he began to think and weaken to the power of the Cells making him vulnerable to whatever Jenova willed.