Dirge of Cerberus What is it

I'm going to have to go with help from Wiki, although I did know it was a missing part of the game which took part between two different events.

Lost Episode reveals a missing chapter of Dirge of Cerberus taking place between two events of the latter. It involves the adventures of Vincent struggling to save the world from the evil Deepground Soldiers, a mysterious army of soldiers. Three years after Meteorfall from the original Final Fantasy VII, the world is threatened by the Deepground soldiers, a mysterious army of bloodthirsty warriors. Vincent Valentine learns that the soldiers are searching for him in the hopes of harvesting the Protomateria from his body. He decides to investigate the Shinra Mansion in an effort to uncover the truth about his own past—and the mystery behind the Protomateria as well. Reeve Tuesti's goal is to find information on the DG written by Dr. Lucrecia Crescent. On his way to the mansion, his chopper is attacked by the Deepground. He survives and makes his way to the Shinra Manor, fighting countless Deepground Soldiers and destroying a DG battle bot.
That should sum it up quite nicely. :monster:
Is it just me or does that sound like a complete waste of time >_>

Why wasn't it just included in the original (DoC) game?

And is it a mobile game, I think I read it was somewhere but I might be getting it confused with something else....