what is the BEST final fantasy there is for ps2?

Personal favorite would have to be FFX, if only because of how traditional the gameplay was. I could never get into FFXI (mostly because I can't stand MMOs), and while I thought there was a lot to like about FFXII, it ultimately left me feeling a little empty as an FF fan. FFX-2 was a little too wonky for me, but I have to admit I appreciated its take on the ATB system. Really fast-paced, and as a long-time fan of the Job system, doing it on the fly was pretty rad. It's just too bad the corny J-pop aesthetic dragged it down so much. Such a wasted opportunity.

EDIT: Oh, and Dirge of Cerberus was bad. Lowest of the low. Can't believe I spent $50 on that.
I'd have to say. FFX is the best PS2 choice to start off with. I played XII, but had to sell my system + games due to financial strains awhile back. But XII didn't suck me in as fast as X did. I"m sure it's a great choice too, but from experience go w/ X.

Dirge of Cerebus wasn't THAT bad, but it's not great to start off w/ either. I kinda liked running around in 1st person blastin stuff. I think I"m a rare fan when it comes to DoC though. I'm sure u can find some sort of fun in all the games if U really like FF.
If you're keeping it strictly to PS2, you only really have between FX, X-2, or XII. I mean FFXI i think hit the PS2 as well, but it's Online system is a bit different then Xbox's.

Remember that on the PS2 you can also play PS1 game so you can explore some of the Old School FF games on the original Playstation. I'd say though that FFX is a safe bet and it's the one that got me fully hooked on the Final Fantasy series.
Can you tell us which FF have you played and liked? Well, I really like the battle system in XII, but the story was just really under par for my taste. On the other hand, X has a more interesting storyline and plot. I've heard more people liking X than XII, but that really depends on yourself.

Bottom line : I would endorse X as the best on PS 2.:)
i completely agree power cosmic. FFX is incredible, great post.

FFX. It is the last True FF game.
i agree with this. i was really disappointed with the new battle system in 12 and think that Square-enix maybe going in the wrong direction but idk.....well just have to wait and see what FFXIII has to offer.
Really you guys? I hate FFX, and I havent played a new one since X because I hated it so much. If that is the best one for Ps2 I guess I made the right choice.
Final Fantasy X is the best one for me. FFX was a Final Fantasy game that I adored so much. I wonder if X-2 is any better though but I doubt it. Im still playing X-2 and so far X is killing it. Well I cant really say anything about FF xii cause I still did not finish it. So out of all the ps2 final fantasy games FFX rapes.
I'd definitely recommend FFX. I liked everything about that game, minus some of the characters, but hey, that's just me. The plot is simply amazing, very well thought out- plenty of twists and deeply emotional. Plenty of character development. The battle style is smooth, and interesting. Certain characters have their own strengths and weaknesses in battle, and you can switch members any time you want. (I always thought that was cool) Sphere Grids can be annoying sometimes, but for the most part they're fine. :)

Next to that, I'd say you'll probably want to play the sequel, but FFXII is also amazing. The reason I'd leave it next to FFX is because the character development is really rather shoddy, and the gambits in my opinion, are useless. The licenses are annoying, and the battle style takes awhile to get used to. I found the characters like-able though, the plot endearing, and the hunts are pretty fun.
When FFIX was announced a lot of people thought it was going to be the last one, due to it having several allusions and references to previous games. Sort of like it was meant to pull everything together. As we all know, it wasn't. But to me it was. Starting with X the series seemed to really be going down hill. I'm not saying that FFX is a bad game, I just didn't like it that much. Most people like to pretend X-2 never happened, and XII doesn't have a plot. Sure, things happened in it, but I don't know if I would say they form an actual plot. Also, Balthier was the only character.

FFX is the best PS2 entry in the series. Hands down.
For the Ps2 what about the final Fantasy 11 online thats what i had mine for until i got 360.
For length you'll want FFXII, I went easily into 150 hours worth, with all the hunts and sidequests and whatnot. As for for fun, I'd say FFX personally, but that's because I expected a lot from FFXII so I was somewhat disappointed, although if you're not expecting, you may enjoy FFX just as much.

As for battle syste, FFX :ness: