What is the point in French if you never intend to go to France?


Dragon Lord Eternal
Oct 8, 2007
I personally see no point-in the moments that I could be using to catch up on homework, I'm getting more-in another language!!!

I could be using that precious time to study on the subjects I give a crap about, or practising Music for my imoprtant Grade 5, 5, 5 and 6 coming up!

Or I could be making out with a chic, or screwing 'round on a skateboard-WHAT IS THE FREAKIN' POINT IN FRENCH?!???
I consider 'languages' to be a tool of the education to prove a students ability to learn and adapt. It may contain no real use in the outside world (like you said for example, if you do not ever go to France), but it gives an impression.

To be honest, I've thought not differently. Not that the education system bases any grade off your general qualifications, but.... eh. Just a tool.
I agree with Tyler. You might not ever need it, but it's something that good to know. Like if your career of choice requires you to be able to speak many different languages.
Good, that's what I would have said as well. If that were me, I wouldn't study French at all and just study what I want and need to study more. But that's just me.

You never know when you're gonna be able to use it, and it's an awesome achievement to learn a language.
I think knowing other languages is very important. It makes you a hell of a lot less ethnocentric. I want to learn as many languages as possible. And like other people have said, it may come into play when you least expect it. After all, the society we live in is now very globalized.

Oh, and French is the international diplomatic language. So...it's pretty important in International Affairs and government.
Oh it still is the international diplomatic language? Eh, never knew that, I thought it was long gone from the tongues of international politics. >.>

But yeah, like Erythritol I aim on learning as many languages myself as I could possibly learn. I already know Filipino (Tagalog), obviously English, and Spanish, so that leaves a boatload more to learn.
Yeah, it's still the international diplomatic language. If you want to intern in the United Nations, they ask for people who are fluent in both French and English. (Well, you don't HAVE to be, but they strongly prefer it).

And! I'll have the original poster know, just as an aside, France is NOT the only place where French is spoken. There is the obvious Quebec, Haiti, a bunch of African countries, and...other countries (too lazy to list). Let us not forget French imperialism :p Also, if you're traveling through Europe, don't know the language of the country you're in, and no one speaks English, French may come in handy. French is handy language, dammit! :D (And I'm not just sticking up for it because I know it *shifty eyes*)
I think you're only sticking up for it because you know it. :mad2:
Don't forget the many parts of Northern Africa that the French colonized in the 1800's as well as Switzerland. :monster:
I hated French. Apparently I should be good at it cause of my Starsign, I was like wtf? I was neither good nor enjoyed it. I somehow passed, lord knows how but all I know now is bonjour. Oh and avec is with. It served me no use whatsoever. I will forever be one of those annoying tourists. I wish I knew more languages, even ONE more but it just never sunk in
I pretty much had to learn French....my parents are from Quebec, so I didn't want to constantly be left out when they would speak in French so that I wouldn't understand what they were saying :(

I never liked how French was so freaking picky. It's so *particular* and if *one* word is left out of a sentence, it's a national emergency. Feh! I'm taking Japanese now and I must say, I far prefer their grammatical system. It's much more concise and rational x_x
I want to learn all the languages that I can. Right now I only know a little bit of French and a little more Spanish. I had to take a class for the French. The Spanish I kinda just picked up by living in this city all my life.

You NEVER know when you're gonna need to use a language. The hardest thing that anyone can do in life is to accurately predict the future. You might never need to know French or you might get a job at McDonalds. You start out flippin burgers and a promotion here and there and before you know it, you're the friggin CEO of McDonalds overlooking the foriegn operations of a worldwide hamburger chain. They might send you to France to start a McDonalds in Paris. (good luck with that, though. The French HATE McDonalds)
As said above, yes learning French is rather important. It's used in more countries other than France.

I could understand if your complaining about Italian. The language is only used in Italy and some parts of central Europe.

Other than that I would like to learn a few different languages. I still need to brush up on my Spanish. :wacky:
Actually Italian is pretty important, IMO. :wacky:
Loads of people travel there, so it might be wise to pick up a couple or so phrases or at least learn the basics of the language. And since it's basically Latin, it helps knowing that to decipher...school mottoes or something.

Well, actually with that argument, I present my counter-argument:
"I don't think we need to learn Japanese and that we should be frustrated when they make us learn it in school because you never use it outside of Japan anyway" :monster:

Bah, I don't care, I'll learn what I can get. Here's my top list:

1.) Spanish
2.) French
3.) German
4.) Italian
5.) Japanese
6.) Chinese (Mandarin)
7.) Korean
8.) Polish
9.) Russian
10.) Portuguese (Brazil ftw!)
Actually Italian is pretty important, IMO. :wacky:
Loads of people travel there, so it might be wise to pick up a couple or so phrases or at least learn the basics of the language. And since it's basically Latin, it helps knowing that to decipher...school mottoes or something.

It is Latin but so is Spanish, and Spanish is a lot more important than Italian. Sure Italian can be used to travel there and if you want to live there. Italian isn't as useful as Spanish and Japanese. We all know that Spanish is pretty useful. I would say Japanese is more useful because it is one of the top economies. It's better to learn for business, world trade, and government than Italian. Goes for Germany as well, since it's one of the top countries.
Add Chinese in the mix, 'cause they've been getting pretty big. Korean is on the rise as well. :monster:

But yeah, sure, Italian isn't as important in those aspects, but it appeals to me so much for some reason.
Heh, don't forget to mention Arabic. I heard it's good to learn for the War right now but how long will it be useful for anyways. -_-

Yeah, Chinese is tough since the tone of your voice means different things from what I heard. Well the way you say a certain letter.
Since Arabic is spoken in a huge part of the world, it's really good to learn. It's not just confined to the war-torn areas right now right, and includes the economic powerhouse of Kuwait and the UAE. So business is what I'd classify it under reasons to learn it. Great travel spot too.
I just learn it because I have to...
An hour of german before going home is NOT my idea of a good time though....
What I found more daft was taking the time to learn the lingo, then go to the country and they end up speaking English at you!! That annoys me. So I dont bother now.