What is your favorite Pokemon?


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May 17, 2019
Coloured Thread
Chocobo Egg
Shiva Snowflake
Fairly simple, which Pokemon is your favorite?

Why is it your favorite, and has it always been your favorite or has it changed over the years? Do you have any plush/figures of your favorite? Any other interesting thing to add?

I've always loved Leafeon's design! (honestly all eevee evolutions are cute as heck)

anyway... digimon > pokemon
My favorite is Bulbasaur 💕 He wasn't always my favorite, but I don't think I truly had a favorite until him. I was always a big fan of Arcanine though!


Slowly collecting Bulbasaur stuff for my house & desk 💘

I've got a bunch more of small favorites too, like the baby Pokemon like Budew, but I want to shout out to Blitzle & Zebtrika for being close runnerups for my favorites! So hard to choose :lew:
I'm not a huge Pokemon nerd anymore. I've been out of the loop since Silver, so any Pokemon after that game seems like an alien to me. There have been some great designs that I have seen, but I'm not familiar with them myself.

But my favourites, from what I can recall, were the Water starter Pokemon in the first two generations. Squirtle and Totodile.

Squirtle because he's a happy little turtle who ultimately evolves into the walking tank, Blastoise. I named my Blastoise Mr. Thud in my version of Pokemon Blue, and he was badass.

Totodile (but less so his evolutions) because he's a little snappy water crocodile and reminded me of a blue version of Croc (as in Croc: The Legend of the Gobbos). So I was completely down for that.


I guess I also used to imagine that I had a pet Charmander when I was a kid. I imagined it climbing into the car next to me, and going for walks with me, etc. So I'll have to include that as a third.
There were many others I liked a lot, but those three dominate for sure.
I never really go the chance to get into Pokémon since where and when I was growing up, Pokémon was a 'boy' thing and I was a girl so no one would trade cards or play with me - I swear I don't carry the scars with me to this day! :lew:

Buuuttt, having said this, my favourite was definitely Mewtwo because of his psychic powers and his way awesome cool scowling looks.


I also have a soft spot for Ponyta (and the Galarian types of course since they are also psychic)! This is probably due to the fact that I was eventually just given a card of one from a boy in my class who looked the spit of TinTin. I think he either felt sorry for me or wanted to get rid of me. Either or, I was happy with the card and it inspired me to want to draw horses (rather badly as it turns out).

I also have a soft spot for Ponyta (and the Galarian types of course since they are also psychic)! This is probably due to the fact that I was eventually just given a card of one from a boy in my class who looked the spit of TinTin. I think he either felt sorry for me or wanted to get rid of me. Either or, I was happy with the card and it inspired me to want to draw horses (rather badly as it turns out).


I'm mortified I forgot about Galarian Ponyta! I loved original Ponyta too, but the Galarian version is just sooo.... ✨! Definitely a growing favorite of mine. I guess since Pokemon are always being added our favorites could always change but Bulbs will always be a favorite, but can't believe I forgot about Ponyta :lew: I name all my horses in video games Ponyta.
Call me far from original but mine is and always had been Pikachu.
had about 30 plushies from him until my final fantasy collection grew too large and had to get rid of them.
don't worry they got a good home :)


Come on the little guy is cute.
I'm not a fan of pokemon but if I were to be asked which pokemon is my favorite, it would have to Machamp.

Muscles. I'm obsessed with muscles. Just look at my avatar dude.

I can't say. I don't think I've ever made clear before who my favourite Pokémon is. Truly a mystery for the ages. I've dropped hints here and there, but I fear they might be too subtle hints, because no one seems to have guessed yet. So my favourite Pokémon could totally be anything really. Anything from a Paras to a Muk to a Trubbish.


But in all seriousness, how is it anything but Piplup? Whenever Piplup shows up on the show (though I've only knowledge of Dawn's), the little guy is among one of the strongest personalities in what is otherwise a ho-hum episodic show without an actual compelling plot. Piplup is proud, haughty, absolutely adorable, and I will fight anyone on the street who dares to tell me they think the Gen 4 starters are some of the most boring on offer. Fennekin fanboys, I reckon.
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When I was a kid and somewhat "into" Pokemon (never been too huge on it) Squirtle was my absolute favourite.

I think these days I lean more towards Cubone & Cyndaquil, they're just adorable plus the lore behind Cubone makes me wanna just hug the little thing.

I've recently really taken a liking to Togekiss. The entire Togepi line is super cute but over the last two years it's really, really grown on me. Bulbasaur is always my favorite, but I have to say that I think Togekiss comes in close second. I got a 4 🌟 Togepi hatch in my Pokemon Go game a few years ago and have really used it a lot since then. I think it just kinda grew from there honestly lol.

Playing Pokemon Arceus really made me appreciate it more too, which is kinda funny but true. He's been my lead in the majority of the game and I just love hearing his little cry every time I toss him out. I'm going to try my best to get a shiny version I think. :lew:;

I was trying to find a video of its cry (which you can hear in the video below) but someone made the cutest video of all their Togekiss' together and they just look so happy with their cute little faces. :lew:
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