What keeps you playing?

What makes you replay VII?

  • The story/characters

    Votes: 24 63.2%
  • The world/atmosphere

    Votes: 14 36.8%
  • Nostalgia

    Votes: 17 44.7%
  • Something else

    Votes: 11 28.9%

  • Total voters

Rockman X

Over 9000
Jul 7, 2007
On a boat.
Just a little poll here. I wanna know what keeps you guys coming back for multiple playthroughs. Do you think the story and characters are fantastic? Is it the world that draws your attention? Is it simply the nostalgia factor? Or something else entirely? For me, I love the world and atmosphere...and there's a good dose of nostalgia thrown in there as well.

And let me say something to try to stave off the inevitable: if you haven't played VII, then DO NOT post in this thread to bump your post count. This thread only applies to those of us who've played the game -__-;
Probably the story and characters, since you have to play the game a few times to get what's happening :P

I do think they were done really well, there seems to be the most speculation around this story, people are still trying to figure it all out so long after the game was originally released. Oh, and have to mention Vincent of course :nudge:
Oh the story and characters, most definately, I used to play this game into the ground, I'd get withdrawals if I hadn't played it for a few months. Bloody game had me wondering what was going on for HOURS lol. I was gripped :monster:

I haven't played it in a good while actually, and Im starting to get twitchy because I really wanna play it again
What keeps me playing...

Well, definitely the fact that on my first playthrough, I didn't really understand some things, and I've been discovering informations on forums that I never knew before.

The characters, storyline, world, environment, music, and sidequests are all a major impact as to why I keep coming back for multiple playthroughs. It's simply wonderful. Of course, playing it also makes me reminisce, so nostalgia is definitely a factor as well. Final Fantasy VII is my first official RPG that I ever played and completed. That game is something of a sentiment to me.
A mixture of boredom and nostalgia. I enjoy the plot and the characters, but I don't need to replay the game to appreciate them.

Hearing the game's soundtrack makes me want to play the game again.
what keeps me playing?

storyline - the storyline is WITHOUT A DOUBT the best in any FF game. I'm not being a fanboy but compared to FFX etc it's clear that FFVII was the peak of Square's gaming life. FFIX was the only thing that came close story-wise.

graphics - at the time, they were the best graphics and everyone was awestruck. Sure, compared to games now they're not the best, but the pre-rendered backdrops have aged well and they're still gorgeous as ever to look at

characters - every single character (mostly the main ones involved directly in the story) have a hidden past and it's interesting to know about their history.

music - best soundtrack to a game. nuff said.

world map - finally, the actual WORLD of FFVII is designed so well. Everything about it is just perfect and makes sense. From Junon to Mt Nibel, from Midgar to Wutai. Everything about FFVII's world is fantastic.
Hearing the game's soundtrack makes me want to play the game again.

Oh lawds yes, completely agree there. Any time iTunes lands on a song from VII I wanna play it again. And VII also has my favorite battle music of any FF.

Actually I'm quite torn right now. I just bought Persona 3 and I'm loving it, but I also have a huge urge to play VII...but I still need to finish Dragon Quest 8 and Chrono Cross, and I haven't even started Xenosaga. Ugh, so many RPGs to play.

what keeps me playing?

storyline - the storyline is WITHOUT A DOUBT the best in any FF game. I'm not being a fanboy but compared to FFX etc it's clear that FFVII was the peak of Square's gaming life. FFIX was the only thing that came close story-wise.

Opinion there, mah boi. I happen to think the story in VII is a piece of shit :neomon:

world map - finally, the actual WORLD of FFVII is designed so well. Everything about it is just perfect and makes sense. From Junon to Mt Nibel, from Midgar to Wutai. Everything about FFVII's world is fantastic.

Yas, agreed there. I love the stark contrast between the cyberpunk Midgar and remote places that have hardly advanced, like Wutai and Mideel. And everything (cept maybe Costa del Sol) seems to carry a certain dismal atmosphere...like there's just a cloud handing over everything (no pun intended).

Blah, the hell with it, I'm gonna start a new file on VII. Persona 3 and my other RPGs will have to wait :wacky:
VII doesn't do an awful lot for me, though the general layout of your path and obstacles you encounter throughout catch my attention vaguely.

I suppose the materia system mostly; it's particularly characteristic to this one game, so I find that to be reason enough to sate urges to play it for the odd half an hour or so.
Actually I'm quite torn right now. I just bought Persona 3 and I'm loving it, but I also have a huge urge to play VII...but I still need to finish Dragon Quest 8 and Chrono Cross, and I haven't even started Xenosaga. Ugh, so many RPGs to play.

I hear ya, I also started Chrono Cross a while ago, and Star Ocean: 'Till the End of Time, and recently started DragonQuest 8 and Shadow Hearts: From the New World. And I've yet to finish FFXII.
Methinks I'll never finish 'em :wacko: I don't have as much time or interest anymore :sad2:

Anyway, what has always drawn me to FFVII are the characters. For me, characters are always the most important aspect of a game. If a character is developed well and has a good backstory, then I really enjoy the game. FFVII had some of the best character development I've seen in a game.
Also, the music is without a doubt amazing. I love listening to the soundtrack over and over again! Good music keeps my attention longer ;)
what game do you think had a better storyline? X? :wink:

Most newcomers to FF think the latest games had the best storylines... not so.

Actually I think Tactics has the best storyline of any FF. I don't much care for VII's story because it's so convoluted and has plot holes. And just to let ya know, I'm not a newcomer to the series :neomon:

I hear ya, I also started Chrono Cross a while ago, and Star Ocean: 'Till the End of Time, and recently started DragonQuest 8 and Shadow Hearts: From the New World. And I've yet to finish FFXII.
Methinks I'll never finish 'em :wacko: I don't have as much time or interest anymore :sad2:

Well let me absolve some of your guilt by letting you know XII is hardly worth finishing. You can put it off till last.

Anyway, what has always drawn me to FFVII are the characters. For me, characters are always the most important aspect of a game. If a character is developed well and has a good backstory, then I really enjoy the game. FFVII had some of the best character development I've seen in a game.
Also, the music is without a doubt amazing. I love listening to the soundtrack over and over again! Good music keeps my attention longer ;)

Some of the character development I find lacking though...I really wish they'd done more with Red, he was probably my favorite party member :/

Music is definitely win. Right now I'm climbing up through the Shinra tower, music suits it well...AND I finally figured out how to get all three items in that one room with all the doors. Totally missed the air vent in my last two files >_<
Hahaha I still have to consult the guide for those stupid vents I always get so confused :wacky:

I absolutely adore the soundtrack for VII. It's just made of complete win from start to end. Everytime I hear it pop up on random on my pc it just makes me want to play the game again

I actually think the character development was quite good tho, maybe one or 2 characters could have hada little more like Yuffie and as you said Red, but I think the others were all pretty nifty imo :monster:

Originally Posted by Shyne
what game do you think had a better storyline? X?

Most newcomers to FF think the latest games had the best storylines... not so.

I only started playing from VII but I wouldn't consider myself a newcomer to the series and I happen to think X has a good storyline. Just because it's a newer game doesn't make it crap. it's one of my favourites
It's the characters and storyline that usually bring me back to the game. I can't tell you how many times I've played VII over the years. I'm not even going to try. Hell, it's pretty much everything for me. The world, the characters, etc. I like going back to it and playing through it all again. I'll probably start a new game pretty soon! After finishing up Crisis Core, that is. I can't do this with many games. There are some I just can only play through once and then I'm done!
Mainly for me it's the story and the characters. You enver completely understand everything the first time through a game, so each time I go through it again I pick up on something I missed that tends to fill in a loop-hole that I didn't overlooked previously.
The story and characters and the world. I loved the world in FFVII, I would spend hours just randomly roaming islands and go to little towns and places to level up and explore.

And the storyline is the best in the series In my opinion. So deep and engrossing. The characters were great aswell, with lots of memorable ones. In fact, I think all of the characters are memorable in their own ways in FFVII, which is a feat I think has been lost in the more recent games.
It is the gripping story that keeps me a'going! *I just got here*

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All of them to be honest, but I had to go for nostalgia, because it reminds me of my childhood and brings back lots of memories.
I probably have an emotional attachment to this game. It was the first game that I ever beat...I would invite my cousin to stay the night just so I could watch him play it.

I still play it to this day too!

I think what kept it going for me was that the characters develop so well throughout the story, and the game play is simply amazing.

The reason why I play it from time to time is because of Sephiroth. Really.

Especially when you're fighting him... and when he kills Aerith...