What kind of pet do you have?

I have a pomeranian named Brutus. This is a picture I jacked off of my brother's website a long time ago.


He has a thyroid problem that causes his hair to fall out. =\
Otherwise...he really is a purebread pomeranian. lol.

I love him to death. He follows me everywhere and he loooooves to jump up into my lap whenever I'm sitting down. XD

unfortunately I haven't seen him in a while. I recently moved out and my dad loves him so much, I let him keep him. ^_^
Oh, my God. That stinker is so small. It's like our maltese...but cute.

And Jerry, you'll want a furry friend to keep you company. You could get a poodle. hah!
I don't have a pet yet...but I intend to get either a rat or a mouse. i'll post pic as soon as i get it.
I have a pitbull she has yellow eyes and she's brown. Probably the smartest dog i ever had.
I have my Velco, I think she's a cross between a crocodile and a tiger -_-

I also want to get more fishes I loved having my aquariums, altho they are a shit to clean out :wacky:
We used to have 3 family dogs, that I have grown up with since i was like 5. They are all Yorkshire Terriors, and are so cute. But In August last year, one of my dogs had to be put down because she was really ill :(