What Online Options On ff3 for DS ?


Nov 17, 2006
Im Buying the game as soon as its coming out and after searching some info i found the box and it had the blue wi-fi circle , on it ( the box) i tried searching no info, so anyone know what the Wi-fi options are ? or imagine what they can be ? would be pretty awesum if you could battle your entire party against other partys ^_^

-=+ Xenorom +=-
I heard the online options is like the mognet like Final Fantasy 11 or something and you get side-quests thats all I know.
Would be cool , if you would play quests with other players on Wi-Fi, and battle using your existing partys .

-=+ Xenorom +=-
I'm not too keen on the side quest part, but I think you do get them along with other things.

No, there isn't any multiplayer of any kind. To unlock stuff you must send mail to other players. That's Wifi for ya!
yes you are rigth you have to send mesages to another player to unlock things and the side quest i think it's true


blckcrose the honest thief
I'm not too keen on the side quest part, but I think you do get them along with other things.

No, there isn't any multiplayer of any kind. To unlock stuff you must send mail to other players. That's Wifi for ya!

You only unlock two things, which are the Onion Swordsman class and the extra boss.

I don't have anyone to send mail to, though!:cry2: So, I haven't gotten any of those. Is anyone willing to exchange 7 mails with me? If you need my friend code, it's 0172-6412-4495. You can just register me as Savvy.^_^