What order should I play the series


White Knight
Oct 10, 2009
North Carolina, United States
I am sort of new to the series I had never played final fantasy until I got KH and I really liked all the characters. It really made me want to play the series. I've completed IV and I'm working on VI and V. What order should I play everything?
Moved to General FF Discussion.

As far as order goes, it's not really important. Play the games you enjoy, skip the games you don't...though I recommend you at least try them all at some point.

If you enjoyed Four, you're in good shape playing Five and Six...and maybe Nine as well. One and Two are always a good challenge, as well. The other games (Seven, Eight, Ten, Twelve) are really quite different from the older games, but they're still quite good, and worth playing.
Like Ness said you dont really need to go in any order. Theres no continuation in any of the stories, except X and X2. But as charliepanayi pointed out, you have started in chronological order, so just keep going like that lol.

I wonder what you'll make of 7 and 8 :D
As mentioned- IV is a great starting point. I, II and III aren't completely essential, but you can play them if you want. IV is the real, first solid Final Fantasy plotline in my opinion (I'm ignoring II because I hardly touched on it). You can work your way upwards and see for yourself the evolution of the storylines and how they become more advanced and emotive. Once you reach X, you basically reach the epitome of FF storytelling.

But you don't have to do that. You can play in any order you want. As SapphireStar correctly pointed out, there's no continuation bar X+X-2, the VII compilation and XII+Revenant Wings. I started out with IX, progressed to VII, then X and X-2, then to VIII, VI, IV, V, XII, III, I.

XI and XIV are online though if that's your cup of tea.
I'd play them in the order they came out, if I were you. Otherwise you might end up like me, and hate FFVII just because you played it after FFX and can't bear the graphics... =\ Though I guess that shouldn't be an issue for you, if you've already played some of the way older ones.
It really doesn't matter what order you play them in, and they're all worth a try, but I would recommend getting to VI and VII soon. They're the most often referenced (so they're harder to avoid spoilers for) and arguably the best.
would maybe pick up FF9 next because it kind of follows the themes of the earlier games then
maybe FF10 because it has a really good battle system that would be great for players who have just started playing the series really recommend it :)

Oh and skip Final Fantasy X-2 don't buy it don't look at it and don't even think about it.. just a future warning.. (A prophecy for future doom if you buy it more like it really.. )(( that game was embarrassing..))
Pick up FF3 next

Good Music
Job System
Awesome Cid
Nice yet Simple Storyline
Great Fun and not too serious
It would be a nice break from V& VI which are more challenging

But would may also pick up FF7 too or before or after FF7 because guess whaat ?
Seven comes after Six :3
Try and find a old copy of it on Ebay and romp away.. Then enjoy Advent Children Complete if you have a Bluray or PS3 ^^

But whatever direction you take/ follow hope it's a good one ^^

I don't think it really matters what order you want to play them in, since you haven't played them previously you won't know enough about character development, storylines etc to say game A is better than game B so play that one. I'd say just work through them in chronological order, though FFI-III are pretty boring. So yeah, just go through FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX, FFX, FFX-2 and FFXII. The spinoffs aren't really necessary unless you have the urge to play them.
The FF games aren't a continuous storyline, but if you'd like, you can start from FF1 and go right through in order, but if you don't care which one you start at since they're all different (minus some which does continue after the others like FFX and FFX-2)

I'd recommend playing FF9 first if you never played any other FF game or completed an entire game. The reason why I say this is not for the purpose of it being the greatest FF or anything since it isn't, but this FF game actually has a lot of mixed elements of all the FF games.

That way while you play this one, you can kind of get an idea of what the entire series will be all about. Of course, each game will have its own stories and characters and themes, but FF9 has almost a little bit of everything from all the previous FF games before its time. It's a rather cute FF game with a rogue thief and a princess and many other character's with their own background story on an epic journey to discover themselves.

I recommend this one, but it's really up to you. Which one gets your attention the most? Find that out, and go ahead and play that one first. ^^ Have fun. biggrin
Yeah, I'm with everyone else basically. Play in any order you wish. I find myself constantly rotating around. I was replaying Final Fantasy X last week, now I'm on Final Fantasy 7 and I'm thinking about starting Final Fantasy 9 again. Play in which ever way you wish!

About the spin-offs, I recommend FFX-2 for how laidback the game is, it's a lot different from X but it still manages to be somewhat alright.
And if you happen to become a fan of Vincent from FF7, I recommend you play his spin off - Dirge of Cerberus. It is very much a DMC ripoff but... it has Vincent in! :D
There really is no order to have to play them in. Since they arent connected (except X and X-2) You can just play them in any order you like. Like Ness said, some games can get you prepped for others, so that may help, but only slightly. Just play the ones that appeal to you at any given time.
As stated several times before, FF is not chronological, but it's strange how you just assume everyone else knows it too if you're familiar with the series! I've encountered several people who've never played any FF games because they're worried if they start at 7 or 8 they won't know what's going on in the story because they can't find 1 - 6 to play first ;-p When I inform them that each story and world is different, it tends to take a while to sink in but then they almost always usually start playing one of them and progress from there.