What pissed you off today?

SOMEONE got into my room while I was sleeping and tore up a sentimental-valued picture of mine. I have a good idea of who did it, but I'm sure she'll deny everything and I can't find any scotch tape to fix it. :cry:
I'm so so so so angry.
pathetic internet kids mocking a dead girl, basically being a black woman in hindsight.

man, what is with the kids on the internet who spend their time judging people for what they've done and actually think anyone gives a fuck. I die a little bit inside every time I see it. Life is a struggle, everyone takes their own path, and in the end you're a decomposing corpse being eaten by worms.

some people just make me want to vomit. Must have some kind of an allergy to selective retardation.
Talking to this high schooler who cheated on her boyfriend today. Fuck, she's still 5 years old mentally. Girls do not mature faster than boys, I see this everywhere.
Someone kept interrupting my sleep last night, and my stupid inner sleep-timer said I'd be fine with a couple extra hours of sleep - realistically? Try nine. so, I woke up SUPER late (which I hate so much) and had to scramble to get everything done on time, and even then, half the family ran out the door before the dinner was done and came back hours later, so I had to reheat it anyway, so I ended up toiling needlessly (which I also hate doing) >_<
Me maw made me go to the City Hall building and watch her pay taxes, and then she insisted we use the elevator, which made me nauseous (don't ask, I got a weak stomach) and THEN she forced me to eat this corn tortilla thing with SUPER HOT salsa, without any milk to cool it down :tongue1:
Just the simple fact that my package with my recovery disc for my actual computer got delayed ANOTHER day. Yeah thank you so much FedEx. I know you hate me, the feeling is mutual. I've been without a computer for almost 2 weeks now.
Ok so I was supposed to get out at 1 from work today, went to make a cardboard bale cause it was full (and whoever fills it has to empty it >_> ) and the thing jammed. Buncha stuff happened and I didn't get out til almost 2. Freaking hour to do a stupid bale. Pisses me off.
My roommates and their gossip. I was taking a nap since I've been up since 4:30am, and I woke up to them bitching out a roommate that just left. Granted, she can spew some inappropriate things here and there, but they go about it like kids who are still in junior high would. Passive-aggressive bullshit. These women are much older than I, yet still can't grow up when situations call for it.

I'd rather my annoying-as-shit alarm clock.
Netflix is pissing me off today :rage:

I returned a movie before I left for my vacation and I was shocked to come back home to find I didn't have another one in my mailbox. Sooooo I go to login and they are like "We'll send your next dvd in the queue as soon as possible." That was three days ago :hmph: ! I'd have called them a day or so ago but I didn't want to be arsed with it. If they don't send me a movie in the next day one of their customer service reps is gonna have hell to pay when I get home tomorrow!
My mum. ;)

She left this morning after putting a chemical in the kettle and told me that I to go to her in order to receive intructions for my jobs today. I don't mind doing jobs, but being forced to go downstairs to receive orders is just a bit... Anyway, she refused to come to me to tell me what I had to do. She told me 'You'll get poisoned if you don't come here now and listen to me!!!!' I kinda resent being treated that way, so I didn't go downstairs. She left with 'She'll get poisoned then.' :lew:

Ah, such a loving mother. ;) Water for my tea shall come out of a saucepan today methinks. :P

Here lies Judy :sad3:
She drink some tea and got poisoned cause she didn't listen to her mother.

Ok now on to me...

This month overall has been complete shit...
First three of my dumbass friends go to jail, so I had to go to court a bunch of times... (had to be a witness against them...dumbasses)
Then my car breaks down...
I had my bank account hacked (lucky I caught it right away so there wasn't much money stolen, but having to replace my debit card when you work third shift is a real pain to get up to sometimes....)
Work has been a pain in my ass lately...
and to top it all off, those three friends are calling my trying to get me to bail there asses out of jail... not happening...

What didn't piss me off yesterday. XD

This was our last weekend of moving, so we saved all our good furniture to last.

Of course it decided to rain. <_<

Then as we were driving our bedroom furniture to my parents the tall boy and our mirror fell off the trailer onto the road. =0

Luckily it only slightly damaged the back of the tall boy. It was a little scratched on the back and there was one small scratch on the side, but amazingly it was okay after smashing onto the road. 0_o
The mirror lost the base that it stands on, but the actual mirror was perfectly fine. Not a crack in it! We just flipped it around so that the top is now the base and it can still stand on our dresser table.

Although we got lucky I was still very annoyed. Why did it have to rain on the one day we needed to take over the good stuff! Why couldn't it rain on all the other crap we took over 5 weeks previous. :(
The negativity I got surrounded with immediately after I got home.

Jesus fucking Christ, what a joke. I'm sick of the people I let myself be with. All I need is my father anyways, he's fucking incredible.
Omg today is Sunday which is ad setup day. So today I get done with my department like with 2 hours left, then Lynne my manager hands me another stack about double what I had before and wanted me to put it out. That's fine, whatever. What pissed me off was that 90% of the shit was all duplicates of someone else's shit! OMG wtf.