What pissed you off today?

SOMEONE left a full cup of tea on the very edge of the kitchen counter so when I bumped into it, my coat got soaked. IT"S BLOODY FREEZING OUTSIDE!! How am I supposed to go out without a coat?!?
My brother talking throughout the entire movie, pointing out obvious shit. I love him though. Hey, Alex. Sup? I know you're reading this. You're right beside me heh
I haven't gotten ANYTHING done! I woke up late and then got side-tracked by Ma, who was in a frenzied 'cleaning' mood, which basically means I'd better watch where she puts stuff if I wanna use it ever again. AND ON TOP OF THAT the swelling of my fingers has not subsided. They still look like red sausages due to a stupid allergic reaction :cry:
This stupid lag of a phone. It's just one big lag. I can't describe how Rageasaurus-y I get when I see messages from hours ago I missed due to this damn lag. At this rate, I'm gonna be getting "happy new year 2013" messages in 2014. It's goddamn ridiculous. :rage:
There's a horrific mess in the kitchen (complements of Cup Noodle girl) that I will be expected to clean. I swear one of these days I'm just gonna break down and cry, but for now, I'm just plain old pissed :mad:
The damn servers in WWE 13 being completely horrible. I need to download created wrestlers and arenas for my story and Universe mode, yet it decides to want to be an arse and not connect. This is total BS. I hope THQ fixes this, and fast. I'm gonna keep trying through the day to see if I can get on. All I need is two minutes in there and then I'm done, but I can't even get that. The only type of light in my day right now is that my dad has money. Other than that, I'm bored and pissed.
I'm not going to go into details, but it involved someone I know exaggerating about his troubles in life, but then without thinking blurts out some things that contradicts this. You don't have to lie to me to get me to care about you and be your friend and all that, but lying to me is one good way to assure that I'll stop caring.

I'm gonna just sleep on it.
I didn't get a chance to sleep in this morning, I didn't sleep well last night, and being tired and not being able to sleep because I've got stuff going on tonight is pissing me off :rage: I'm so tired...I won't be able to stay up tonight because I'll fall asleep early or something.

I also have some cleaning to do tomorrow and I don't feel like doing it :hmph:
My siblings were being annoying and didnt let me watch The Adventures of Merlin ;-;
Manager getting pissed at me because the only other person pushing out freight was putzing along with their thumb up her ass or something.
An item on Steam is on sale. Regular price $350.88, new price $24.99. My credit card wouldn't work, and sale ends tomorrow. The Steam Store doesn't tell me anything specific, just "correct your information, then try again." Would be nice to know specifically which part of the billing information I entered didn't match.
i was transferring some money to my offshore accounts and the inland revenue told me that due to new tax avoidance measures i'm now required to pay a 14% fee on my transfer up to the value of £8504.58. which now means i cant afford to purchase the most expensive caviar while i'm flying business class. cunts.
i suck at taking pictures of myself

this irritates me greatly :elmo:
i was transferring some money to my offshore accounts again and the inland revenue told me that due to new tax avoidance measures i'm now required to pay a 13% fee on my transfer up to the value of £8284.386 which now means i cant afford to purchase the most expensive caviar while i'm flying business class. but i cant afford it less than i couldnt afford it when the fee was 14%. happy days.
Same guy from the last time I posted in here. Only this time I got fed up with him complaining over how his gf could possibly find worth in a guy like him. I may have just saved his relationship by going up the deep end about it.
Being pulled out of my classroom and bitched at for disturbing class and talking too loud when I wasn't even talking ^^
Finding out CN cancelling Young Justice yet again. That was one of the cartoon shows I actually enjoy watching.
Wait they a
Finding out CN cancelling Young Justice yet again. That was one of the cartoon shows I actually enjoy watching.
Wait they are? Last I heard it get renewed for it's third season already. On other note getting up at 4 am for a lousy 4 hour work day.