What RPG Is As Good As A Final Fantasy Game?


Final Fantasy/Hip-Hop
Feb 19, 2007
Long Island, NY
Final Fantasy Is One Of My Favorite Games, Haven't Liked Any Other RPG's To Tell You The Truth...

I Remember Playing Star Ocean: Second Story, That Was A Pretty Cool Game.

What Else.. Super Mario RPG lol.. Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2.. Breath Of Fire...

Nothing Seems On The Same Level..

So Am I Right Or Wrong?

What RPG Can Stand Up To A Final Fantasy Game?

Edit: Oh Yeah Played Legend Of Legaia, That Was Ok Too.
Breath of Fire 3 and Dragon Quest VIII are amazing games, although yuo already mentioned BoF, but still, it's worth aother mention because it's that good

DQVIII I'd easily rate higher than FFXII, its an amazing little game, I love it. It can certainly hold it's own agaings FF titles, only thing I dont like is 'The Hero' is unamed and doesn't talk, I called him Kelly because I was lacking any kind of originality, anywaaay, those are the only two other RPG's games Ive played and they don't dissapoint - Just as enjoyable (in some cases more) than any FF Ive ever played
I agree, the hero should have been more of an actual character. To be honest I watched the ending hoping he would say something, then I unlocked the special ending and...nothing. It was quite upsetting really. That aside DQ VIII is an awesome game though. It takes forever to level up later on though and King Metal slimes are awfully slippy....

I also lke Grandia too, I only heard of it half a year ago and I love it now!
CT is hard though...well, I thought it was. Maybe the DS version will be easier for an RPG n00b like me.
Oh yeah I forgot to mention Chrono Trigger, that game's awesome too! Sorry for forgetting it lol. Am kinda tired. Chrono Cross was ok too but I hardly played it because i hate playing a sequel if I haven't finished the original. :)
I hated Chrono Cross, I wouldn't recommend it...

Anyways, also try Valkyrie Profile for PS1, I really enjoyed that game, too ^_~

What else... oh, try the Xenosaga series, and the Suikoden series, I really enjoy these two series as well ^_~

Finally, if you're looking for some older RPGs to play, try the Phantasy Star series, the first RPGs I played...
All right What can I say the Xenosaga series is just so freakin awesome and I want them to make a freakin Episode IV jeez I was waiting like 2 years and it still has not happened. Anyways the characters are purely amazing and there are alot of villians and questions that do not get answered until episode III oh yeah and also there is Xenosaga Pied Piper which is a prequel about Ziggy's whole life. Also Xenosaga is the best rpg I ever played and I like it the same way as I like Final Fantasy. There is also Xenosaga I and II on ds which is supposed to be shipping to my house and it has been like a month it did not. Anyways I hope for Episode IV, V, AND VI and it better happen. Do not even bother to sign online petitions because they will not work.
I highly recommend DQIV for the DS. It's a good little game, and will keep you enthralled for a decent amount of time.
Pokémon is an RPG, and it's fairly awesome. I don't think it's childish at all, and it's huge xD

Also, Persona 3 is a brilliant little RPG for the PS2, very unique. I loved it.

And, The Golden Sun series is also awesome, two games for the GBA, the first one is way shorter than the second one, but both are amazing ^^
I don't have a DS, but I'll stick to DQVIII, that's an awesome game. If I ever get a DS i'll make note of it. :)
Lets try to keep this on the original topic guys - God RPG's that can live up to FF, thank you ^^
I think that Grandia was a very good game and so was Chrono Trigger, I'd say they were on par. But not better! :)
I haven't really played on any other RPG's except FF to be honest except these two.
Sword of Mana is awesome, I'm currently playing that. The gameplay is kinda like a Zelda game, but it's wonderful. I'd also say Golden Sun, too. I have the 2nd installment, but I haven't completed the first game as of yet. Wonderful game though!

I have looots of other ones to still get through.
I heard Lost Odyssey was awesome, iv only played one hour of it myself, and it didn't give me the vibe i get from Final Fantasy. But that's for 360 check it out.

But i don't think anything can compare to Final Fantasy..
You know, one thing I never liked were the RPGs that LOOKED like they where good, but always had that really Manga looking character art. Thats what I like about final fantasy. Sure it is made in Japan, and some aspects to it are like that, but the character designs where always less cartoony.

Anyway, if you want to find some really good ones, you can take yourself back to the SNES days. Chrono Trigger, Lufia 1-2 and one I really enjoyed that is more of an action adventure based game is Illusians of Gia.
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No one has said Legend of Dragoon yet? It's bloody amazing and it's also for PS (I'm not a fan of SNES games, other than Final Fantasy and Sword of Mana of course).

Of course some people might not like it but in my opinion it was great. Additions were awesome (again some people might not like them) and the storyline was allright. It was also quite long, which is good.

The bad sides are poor voice acting in the end and the game feels rather slow and clumsy. Small inventory is a downside too.
I thought Chrono Cross was pretty awesome.

But anyways, I always thought that the Shadow Hearts series was freaking awesome. It's still an RPG, but a different kind; it's much more bloody and can be a bit more comical aswell.
Dragon quest is amazing especially the last one released for the ps2 ( cant remember which one it was) but i value it as high as any Final Fantasy game out there.
Fire emblem series was also a very good RPG although the one on GBA was rather easy.
My favourite though aside from FF would definately be shining force. Im reffering though to shining force I and II and also the remake for the GBA they were asbsolutely brilliant, the battle system is similar to fire emblem but is far superior imo.