What Square-Enix characters do you want to see in the KH series?


Obnoxious Romantic
Jan 30, 2008
Eldeen Modestine
FFXIV Server
They're might be a similar thread like this already, but I'm not sure; there wasn't any when I checked in this section >__<

So, we can appreciate the KH series for it's own unique storyline and characters, but it does hold the attention of fans for the various FF characters we see; a "blast from the past" you could say.

But are there any other Square-Enix characters you'd like to see make an appearance as well?

There's a trend with just using FF characters, and I admit I'd like to see some more FF characters that haven't been seen, but what about characters from other Square series?
I don't think i would like that ther would be other characters from SE games be in KH.
The most of the characters i'd like to see are already in the game. But they could put in some more enemies (like necron: I think he would be perfect in the game :cool:)
Kuja. He should definitely be in one of the KH Games. He's just an all around awesome villain. Of course, I could just have a soft spot because
he turned good at the end

Sowwy, couldn't resist :neomon:

But other S-E characters, eh...


What about one of the characters from Birth by Sleep? Seems like it would be a good idea, as the game is set in the past of KH. Get an area like Timeless River that sends them back into the past of KH, not just Disney.

Dylan from Valkyrie profile 2.

He is ruthless, and would beat down on them heartless/ nobodies.

and Celes, because more Celes is needed. Everywhere.
Rinoa, I know most people seem to hate her but I like her so meh

Erm, more villains would be good, whether they play villainy roles or not, Im not fussed. Ultimecia, Kuja....ooooh Dr Cid, phwora...yeah. That would be pretty cool imo. mOre villains. Yup

Oh and Balthier because I'm a hopeless fanbitch :neomon:
i think that Both forms of Cecil should be in it (Dark knight and Paladin), they could have their own little side quest like thing.
for birth by sleep i would like to see zack incorpparetd in to it now that would be freakin awesome