What summons would you like to see?

It would be great to see Odin back for Versus XIII. He would definately fit the whole 'darker' concept vs. seems to be undertaking; plus he was immensely powerful and we haven't seen him for a while.
Ifrit, Shiva, Cerberus, Anima, Ixion, KOTR, Fat chocobo, Quezacotl, Siren, Alexander, Mateus, Eden, Bahamut,[like he's not going to be^_^] Tiamat, Gilgamesh, and last but not least, Griever. Always save the best for last.

I would say Odin, but they'd probably make him look stupid by changing him.
Shiva, Bahamut, Quezacotl, I'm not to bothered about any others, aslong as there in the game it'd be cool to see what new summonings SE can think of to put in there aswell =p
Diablos, Odin, Atomos, Zalera, Bahamut, Hades, and maybe some older FF characters liked they did in FF8 (Siren) and FF10 (The magus sisters). maybe.........FuSoYa?
It would not be right if they didnt have Bahamut and yes Ifrit fits too and Shiva too im not sure really all the good ones......
Valefor, Anima and maybe the magus sisters

Ifrit will most likely be there anyway... i could be wrong, but i think he's just too standard in some way
but now Shiva represents different element, could be otherwise though...

but i do hope Anima to come most, looks too great imo
Ifrit, Shiva and I would like to see Ramuh make a comeback. I liked that old man.

Definently Levaithan and Bahamut. Maybe even titan because he often comes in handy. Phoenix definently. That was always one of my favorite summons.
The only summon (from the old ones) that I really care about is Leviathan. He is my only favorite summon. As far as new summons go, I would like to see Ultima, Shemhazai and Famfrit on there as well... but its probably less likely seeing as how FFXII summons represent the Zodiac sign while the older summons just represent biblical or some other old mythology... though Cuchulain represents an Irish myth/legend too... so its all kinda confusing to me.

Either way... its all about Leviathan!
I have a feeling that FFXIII and FFVXIII is mainly appealing to the FFVII, FFVIII and FFX fans, mainly for the Sci-Fi element. So, I reckon it'll have Summons from those games making a comeback. Also, it's been said that Shiva turns into a motorbike, so I doubt any of the summons are gonna be monsters :\

But, who I'd like to see:

Bahamut (Although, they'll probably make some bastardised and mutated form, like in AC T_T and everyone loved that design ...)