What team do you use?

I'm about 70% done with the game. About to go in Cyan's dream.

So far I would have to say my favorite character is Gau.

This guy is simply amazing, especially if you get really good items for him like the Merit Award and Offring and Tempest and rage Stray Cat it effectively turns him into a Wind God. In short, Gau kills everything on the screen for virtually no cost accept having to actually scroll down and pick out the rage. I don't even bother to have him learn magic ( only espers for leveling). Gau can also equip other elemental weapons with stray cat rage to do some godly damage.
Magic Urn rage is nice too as it turns Gau into a healing machine blasting cure 3s almost every turn.

Right now in my party I have the Gau man, of course ( though I use everyone for fun and leveling purposes.) Shadow, Relm , and Strago.

My fav team would probably have to be :

Gau - Wind god or other Merit Award/Stray Cat mode , really he can be a one man team this way.
Shadow- I'm liking Shadow. I spent time getting Tact Stars and Skeans. Shadow can throw for mass damage, has counter attack with Interceptor, and he's a magic power house for me as well. Really well rounded character on my team. He's usually got magic damage enhancing stuff on like a hero ring, etc. He can equip good items too.

I let Gau go crazy and do what Gau does best and with Shadow I balance it out with direct control over everything.

Then the other two are :

Terra : My powerful mage , has all the latest and greatest spells and can equip awesome items like Minerva. Terra's physical damage is nice too. Morph to go super Terra mode.

Edgar : Edgar can be pretty handy in all situations. I sort of dislike the fact that he is more limited on armor options but everything else about him rocks. Equip the DragoonBoots and DragonHorn and a good Spear Weapon ( e.g. Pearl Lance)and viola , you have Tool-Wielding, Magic toting ( in my game), multiple jumping DragoonEdgar. While Airborne Edgar avoids a lot of damage as well. Death from above.

After these four my order of favorites looks something like this :

Dragoon Mog : Same relics and Spear like Edgar but sometimes his Dance ability is unreliable and Tools trump Dance.

Celes: Runic is useful except against specifically monster spells or really poweful regular magic. Celes , like almost all of my characters , is a powerful mage. She's basically a weaker version of Terra but still has some really good equip options which makes her good backup to Terra.

Setzer : I like the Fixed Dice. They really brought this character back to life for me.

Locke : Locke used to be one of my favorites but I only find him really useful when stealing Items. In combination with Strago's Dischord it has some pretty good success. He has some pretty good special weapons as well but lacks the potential talent that my top four show.

Strago : He's actually pretty awesome having two magic lists. He has some pretty cool equipment to boost his magic stats too. Down side is that his lore spells cost a lot of MP. Gau can do everything he does and it doesn't cost MP.

Relm : Also pretty cool and she can sketch/control monsters without using MP like gramps. Thing is , her special ability isn't always sucessful. SHe's a powerful mage in my game and can equip some pretty good stuff though.

Sabin: I know Sabin is a typical favorite. I like him too but why go through the trouble of perfmoring a Blitz all the time? Its not that its hard but for me I find it not necessary when other characters can do greater things without having to input Blitz rituals? Otherwise Sabin can equip some cool stuff which I like.

Cyan: My least favorite ( talking battle play wise only , his story is cool) Cyan has possibly the worst special ability in the game being SwdTech/Bushido. Cyan with an offring and Genji Glove is far more effective than any SwdTech and doesn't take as much time. Cyan is more limited on potential equipment than other characters as well. I gave him some good magic to compensate though. I still find him useful but definitely subpar to any of the aforementioned.

Umaro: Not very good. Gau can basically do almost anything Umaro can, only 1000x better and with much more potential abiilities. In my game , Umaro seems like a cheap imitiation of Gau.

Gogo: He's not as great as people make him out to be. The customization is nice but seriously, he's the jack of all trades but master of none. He can't do the special abilities as well as the masters ( think the RedMage doing Blk/White magic in FFV)

Yeah it was long but I hope you guys in enjoy!
I'm using


I also thought Locke and Setzer were really good. Was too lazy to use Gau and I also didn't like Cyan. Don't even know if Relm or Strago are good =/
Use Gau and work on him of course. He's especially critical in the WoB having potential abilities that far surpass your offensive capabilities at the time. Plus if you're playing low level/ awesome stats game , Gau is invaluable.

I'm using


I also thought Locke and Setzer were really good. Was too lazy to use Gau and I also didn't like Cyan. Don't even know if Relm or Strago are good =/
I always used Locke and Sabin. Sabin and his blitzes are awesome, and I just felt like I had to have Locke in, he could steal some good weapons which was nice. Then I typically had Celes in, I loved her Runic ability and she did good damage too. I used gau and his cat scratch blue magic, which kicked a lot of ass, although I didn't like using him for boss fights since one I used his rage moves he would only do that attack, but that attack is amazing. Then I went on using Edgar, I didnt use him a lot early, but I then realized how powerful his tools are.
I found that it doesn't matter what people you use, as you can make any team godly if you want. So I pick the chars that I like the most.

Terra (love the morph)
I use Terra,Shadow,Celes, and Mog. Mog for his dances. Shadow for throw and his dog and physical attacks. Celes for physical attacks, and Terra for magic. Those were also my favorite characters. ^_^

I did use Edgar and Sabin alot too.
Terra- She's the main character afterall, and she's such a sweetheart :)

Locke- He's the most important male character in the game, plus I like him and actually thought he was the main character at first :P

Celes- She was very important throughout the story, especially in World of Ruins

Shadow- I love Shadow, I actually accidently killed him on the Floating Continent the first time and I felt sooooooo guilty, that I started all over just to get him back. So yeah, after all that, it's a given that I use him. Plus in the demo thing for FFVII Shadow was one of the party members so I figured he's also important.

So yeah, my main party was based on how important to the story they were. I thought to myself, if FFVI gave you a fixed party at the end of the game, who would they be?
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