What was the lowest level(s) you beat the game with?


The Spiritcaller
Mar 6, 2007
Guarding the gate to The Other Side.
Obviously, anyone could spend hours and hours trying to get up to level 99 and beat the final boss.

But what was the group you used and what were their lowest levels when you defeated the final boss?

It's been awhile, but if I remember correctly, I had;

Zidane- 42
Vivi- 46
Garnet- 35
Eiko- 35

No, I didn't use a gameshark with that and yes, it took a helluva long time to beat him at those levels. >.o I still have my tactics written down in the strategy guide I have if anyone's interested.
I don't really remember everyone level but I do remember Zidane and amarant I don't know why them of all people.

Zidane lvl 76
Amarant lvl 74
Yep I only completed the game once.
I have no idea what the specifics are on my levels since I beat the game back in 2002, but I remember being around the 40's to 50 range for character levels.
This is a funny question for me! LOL! i think that the end boss for me should be easy, cause you trained all that time before you reached the end. All my characters were level 99 and they have all abilities and skills.
I don't really remember but I had Zidane, Freya, Steiner and Dagger at a level somewhere between 50 and 60 :).
Now...just 'cause I'm curious, what tactics did you guys use?

I had everyone equipped with something that either resists or absorbs the Shadow element, Vivi equipped with Return Magic, Zidane equipped with a Reflect Ring, and everyone equipped with Jelly, Antibody, Clear-headed, and Loudmouth abilities (to avoid the status-inflicting attacks).

Zidane used Grand Lethal whenever he trances
Vivi either uses Doomsday or uses Flare on Zidane (which reflects back onto Necron with more damage)
Dagger summoned either Bahamut or Ark and used Curaga on whoever was damaged (except for Zidane)
Eiko used either Full Life or a Phoenix/Full Heal combination on a KOed ally. Otherwise, I had her cast Madeen

*shrug* And I just kept going with that.
The lowest level i ever beat the game was with most characters in early 40´s and Zidane at level 50 i believe!
Me and my friend actually pulled off a level 1 challenge. We ended up getting the Excalibur II in that run too. I know its hard to believe, but its possible. It doesn't matter what level you are; its all about abilities and your equips.
My levels when I finished Final Fantasy IX for the first time.....
Garnet 72
Zidane 68
Amarant 63
Steiner 68
My best run (so far) was:

Zidane: 49
Garnet: 26
Steiner: 44
Vivi: 41
Freya: 42
Amarant: 38
Eiko: 39
Quina: 45

That was OK, I simply equalled out everyone...
I would have to say that my best run was the second time i went through it. I had the guide at this point and i new the bosses pretty well. Every character was under level 40 some that i didn't use were around 32-34. It was kinda hard but i didn't really feel like leveling up again:).
The first time I completed the game my characters levels were in the early 50's, can't remember them exactly though. It was a difficult last few battles, but I eventually beat Necron xD

And the next time I completed it, my characters were like, at level 70 xD